Essential details:XVME-560 Analog Input Module is a powerful VMEbus-compatible
The XVME-560 AnalogInput ModuleisapowerfulVMEbus-compatibleanaloginput module capable ofperforming 12-bit A/D conversions on up to 64different inputchannels.
The XVME-560 can be programmed to operate inone offouroperatingmodes: randomchannel, sequen-tialchannel,single-channel,orexternal-triggermode.Afterthe completionofan A/Dconversion, an optionalinterrupt may be generated.The XVME-564 can sampleunipolar and bipolarinputs, with voltage ranges of0-5 V,0-10 V,+2.5 V,+5 V, and +10 V. Programmable gains of1, 2, 4, or8 maybesofware-selected.
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sunny He
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