Continuously monitor data to maintain safe and stable plant operation
In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the factory, workers need to continuously monitor the relevant parameters, but as the operation parameters become increasingly complex, seemingly independent parameters are increasingly interrelated. Whether it is to optimize energy consumption without considering the actual production situation, or to maximize economic efficiency without considering the impact of emissions, the result is not worth the loss. As a result, companies need a data platform to collect real-time and historical operational data from multiple systems and integrate it into a single environment for browsing, collaboration, and analysis.
Schneider Electric’s AVEVA PI System Big Data management platform and AVEVA UOC Integrated Operations Center solution, combined with artificial intelligence (AI) and digital twin technology, can help plants maintain optimal operating conditions to synthesize (green) ammonia, which is to maximize capacity and revenue while minimizing plant operating costs and emissions. In addition, due to the diversity of power sources, such ammonia plants not only need to maintain a balanced supply, but also need to provide detailed and verifiable reports. For this application scenario, Schneider Electric Digital solutions can provide a configurable dedicated dashboard of visual KPIs to help factories obtain near-real-time sustainability performance reports.