Red Lion Controls, a leading manufacturer of innovative technologies for access, connectivity and data visualization in the industrial sector, today announced that its FlexEdge® intelligent Edge automation platform has been certified overall by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). This means that FlexEdge is the ideal industrial automation solution for Marine and oceangoing applications, suitable for a wide range of applications including water management for ships and offshore oil platforms.
For more than 150 years, ABS classification Services has been at the forefront of ship and ocean safety, while committing to the most advanced technology research. ABS provides services and solutions worldwide, focusing on bringing advanced technologies and digital solutions to ships and ocean-going assets in a way that is safe and usable. ABS certification simplifies the acceptance process for the equipment and components used in these applications.
As facilities and remote assets across industries across the globe transform to operate in a digitally driven way, enhancing performance through real-time data access, visualization, and remote access is becoming increasingly important. Red Lion Controls’ FlexEdge® Intelligent Edge Automation platform is an all-in-one solution that helps industrial companies achieve their automation goals and unlock the potential of data.
With ABS certification, users across industries can be more confident that the safety and high performance FlexEdge® platform meets the safety requirements of Marine and ocean applications. Courtney Peel, Product Manager at Red Lion Controls, said, “ABS certification is a reliable standard issued by a long-established and authoritative certification body and is recognized by leading manufacturers. Designed to the highest safety standards, FlexEdge meets the demands of rugged industrial applications. We are pleased to have received the ABS certification, ensuring that our customers can confidently deploy FlexEdge to Marine and oceangoing applications.” As a company, we are proud to know that our platform can help our customers achieve compliance faster.”