Emerson has released the Fisher FIELDVUE™ DVC7K Smart Valve Positioner, a new smart positioner based on more than 30 years of field-proven design. For the first time, the new intelligent valve positioner offers embedded edge computing to streamline workflows, optimize performance, and provide real-time data analysis, valve health monitoring, and routine maintenance recommendations with a newer generation of technology.
the DVC7K uses Advice at the Device™ technology with embedded computing and analytics capabilities to convert raw data into actionable information within the device via Bluetooth ®. This means maintenance personnel can easily receive data wirelessly from their phones, tablets or computers without having to enter the plant’s control room. The new intelligent valve positioner technology enables users to improve the performance, reliability and uptime of on-off and regulator valves in process industrial applications, thereby increasing the efficiency of the entire process plant, while also simplifying the information required for workflows.
The DVC7K can be used as an accessory for regulating valves and on-off valves, providing local analysis of valve data and digital communication with the host system. These features will improve equipment operation rates, including helping staff identify problems, providing maintenance advice, turning passive into proactive maintenance, reducing maintenance costs, and reducing troubleshooting time. For example, a regulator may react slowly to a control signal, which is often a harbinger of trouble. DVC7K identifies such situations, alerts staff, and provides advice on how to deal with them.
DVC7K combines patented technologies, experience-based algorithms, continuous real-time analytics, flexible connectivity, and easy integration to optimize maintenance behavior by interpreting and analyzing data. It leverages powerful, real-time on-board edge computing to analyze issues and generate actionable information, and on-board diagnostic tools analyze data locally to get a real-time grasp of valve performance. If problems are found during the analysis, alerts are issued that can be viewed locally and remotely, with information that streamlines workflows, saving time and money. All alarms include operational recommendations to resolve the problem, a new feature of the valve intelligent positioner and an innovative black technology in the industry.
In the past, the data of the valve intelligent positioner must enter the host system to view, and now with the development of intelligence, the data can be accessed without accessing the host software. All information can be viewed on the DVC7K’s local user interface, near the valve via Emerson Secure Bluetooth® wireless technology, or remotely after being transmitted over the network to a host such as a distributed control system (DCS) or asset management system (AMS).
The local user interface LED indicator also shows the valve operation at a glance, and users can search down from the main screen of the interface to find more information. Emerson’s Secure Bluetooth technology can access one or more smart valve positioners with any Bluetooth-enabled device, such as a smartphone or tablet, from a distance of up to 9 meters. By viewing valve information locally, nearby, or remotely, plant personnel can better understand the real-time operation of valves, allowing plants to operate more safely and efficiently.
Remote connectivity capabilities and device-local diagnostic recommendations increase flexibility, providing the information needed to make quick decisions and act quickly to resolve issues as they arise. The DVC7K’s mounting bracket is exactly the same as the classic DVC6200, and it can be installed contactless and connectionless regardless of whether the valve is newly purchased or upgraded. In either case, you can debug quickly and easily with a local user interface.
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