Leading in smart power and intelligent perception technology, onsemi (NASDAQ: ON), announced that its silicon Carbide simulation tool was awarded the Most promising 3rd Generation Semiconductor Technology of the Year Award at the 2023 Global Electronic Achievement Awards (” WEAA “) by AspenCore, a leading media group in the field of electronic technology. Its 1200 V EliteSiC M3S silicon carbide device won the Power Semiconductor of the Year award at the AspenCore Asia Gold Awards (” EE Awards Asia “). These two awards not only recognize On’s leading position in the field of silicon carbide, but also highlight its strength in driving smart power innovation.
On Beauty’s Elite Power Simulator online simulation tool and PLECS model Self-generation tool for its EliteSiC product family and its applications, for soft/hard switching applications, boundary modeling and custom parasitic environments, enables the creation of virtual prototypes, enabling engineers to take advantage of the early stages of the development cycle. Through system-level simulation of complex power electronics applications, valuable reference information is obtained. These tools provide accurate simulation data, allowing customers to select EliteSiC products according to application requirements, eliminating the cost and time required for hardware manufacturing and testing, saving time for power electronics engineers.
The 1200V EliteSiC M3S silicon Carbide device family includes EliteSiC MOSFETs and modules, specially developed for high-speed switching applications, with leading switching loss quality factors such as ultra-low Rds (on) and high power density. It is widely used in 800V electric vehicle on-board chargers (OBC), electric vehicle DC fast charging, solar solutions, and energy storage to help power electronics engineers achieve greater energy efficiency and lower system costs.
Silicon carbide is crucial for improving energy efficiency in applications such as electric vehicles, charging piles, photovoltaics and energy storage, and is an important contributor to decarbonisation. In addition to advanced technological innovation, On is one of the few vertically integrated end-to-end silicon carbide solution providers, providing reliable supply and quality assurance to drive the continuous evolution of silicon carbide technology and enable a sustainable future.