In July 2024, the Kolber Group, the home of innovation and entrepreneurship, launched the Kolber Sustainability Report 2023, showcasing its strong commitment to the environment, social responsibility and corporate governance and the latest achievements it has made.
“Our activities aim to create a better life for present and future generations.” This is not only Koelber’s strong commitment to sustainability, but also what it strives to achieve every day around the world.
NBIO-21CU To achieve this goal, Kolber focuses its strategy and operations on three core propositions: reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption; Be a fair and attractive employer; Building a responsible supply chain.
Kolber’s Sustainable Development Goals
Kolber has set an ambitious goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions across the value chain by 2040, which has been validated by the Science-based Carbon Target Initiative (SBTi). In 2023, Kolber has achieved a 14% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the previous year.
Group-wide eco-design guidelines
In 2023, following the development of a group-wide Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) standard, Kolber continues to advance the Eco-Design Initiative.
Kolber’s eco-design guidelines have been further implemented across all business areas, ensuring that the product design process is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainable products, solutions and services are part of the innovation roadmap in all areas of the business, driving technological progress while also meeting environmental requirements. Colber is committed to product life cycle assessment and has developed carbon emission calculation tools to quantify and reduce the environmental impact of Colber products throughout their life cycle.
Supplier sustainability assessment
Colbert uses the IntegrityNext platform to monitor and continuously improve our suppliers’ sustainability and compliance practices. Since the system’s launch, more than 5,000 Colber suppliers have been evaluated through IntegrityNext, representing more than 94 percent of Colber’s annual purchases.
Social responsibility and employee care
NBIO-21CU As a fair and attractive employer, the Colber Group has promoted flexible working globally, successfully launched the SAP SuccessFactors Learning management system, and developed a group-wide implementation plan for management systems such as the Occupational Health and Safety System (ISO 45001). Continuously improve the working conditions and benefits of employees. Since its inception, the Kolber Group has been guided by the idea of giving a portion of its business success back to the community. Each year, Kolber supports nonprofit causes through donations, sponsorships, and volunteer programs.
Achievement and recognition
In 2023, the Koerber Group was awarded a “platinum” rating by EcoVadis, placing it among the top 1% of companies globally in this assessment, marking an important milestone in our sustainability program. As one of the pioneers in the business world, Kolber has long recognized the importance of sustainable transformation and transparency in reporting and systematically practiced it. This is evidenced by the 2023 ESG Transparency Award awarded to Koerber by EUPD Research in 2023, which gave Koerber’s self-initiated 2022 Sustainability Report an “excellent” rating with a transparency score of 83%.