ProSoft Technology announced the launch of a new gateway module, PLX32-EIP-PND, an EtherNet/IP™ to PROFINET® IO device (slave station) gateway designed for industrial automation. Enables two-way data transfer between EtherNet/IP™ controllers and PROFINET® IO controllers. The module supports Class 1 I/O connections or Class 3 message instructions and operates as A PROFINET Class A device.
The PLX32-IP-PND module is a separate DIN rail mounting unit that provides two Ethernet ports, each corresponding to a different subnet, enhancing network flexibility and configuration options. In addition, the module has a built-in SD card slot (SD card is optional) for storing configuration files for easy recovery and transfer of configuration or backup configuration between other gateways.
The gateway module is ODVA certified and PROFINET v2 certified to the PROFINET Class A standard, ensuring compatibility with Ethernet /IP and PROFINET networks. It has been tested in the field with PROFINET controllers from multiple vendors and supports remote diagnostic Ethernet /IP and PROFINET networks.
The PLX32-IP-PND module also provides embedded EDS AOP, allowing seamless integration with the Studio 5000 and RSLogix 5000, eliminating the need for ladder diagram programming when using Ethernet /IP I/O connections. In addition, the module supports up to 10,000 16-bit registers for exchanging large amounts of data and has secure module configuration capabilities.
The module’s hardware is designed with environmental tolerance in mind, providing multiple protections including electrical isolation and ATEX Zone 2 compliant protection for harsh industrial environments. The launch of PLX32-IP-PND provides a powerful, flexible and reliable communication solution for the field of industrial automation, which promotes the development of industrial automation.