T9852 The opening ceremony also unveiled Shanghai’s top 10 green and low-carbon innovative technology products for 2024.

The opening ceremony also unveiled Shanghai’s top 10 green and low-carbon innovative technology products for 2024. Among them, the all-solid-state lithium battery of Yi Lithium new energy has broken through the core technical problems of the solid-state battery material system, solved the safety problems of traditional lithium batteries, and reached the international advanced level of…

IC695CPE400 The National Regular Session deliberated and adopted an action plan on digital transformation in the manufacturing industry

The Executive meeting of The State Council held on May 11 reviewed and adopted the “Action Plan for Digital Transformation of the Manufacturing industry”. The conference pointed out that the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry is an important measure to promote new industrialization and build a modern industrial system. In recent years, listed companies…

BC820K02 Shanghai launches China’s first industrial carbon management platform

At the opening ceremony of Shanghai Energy Conservation Publicity Week held on May 13, the Shanghai Industrial carbon Management public Service Platform was officially launched, which is the first comprehensive service platform for industrial carbon management in China. BC820K02 Zhang Min, deputy director of the Energy Conservation and comprehensive utilization Department of Shanghai Municipal Economic…

TVD1.3-15-03 Industrial machine industry special report: the national weight, the cornerstone of high-end equipment manufacturing

1, industrial machine: the cornerstone of high-end equipment manufacturing A machine tool is a machine that processes blanks or workpieces of metal or other materials to obtain the required geometry, dimensional accuracy and surface quality. Machine tool is the machine that makes the machine, which is the main feature of the machine tool that is…

UMC100 12kV VD4 circuit breaker intelligent production line

12kV VD4 circuit breaker intelligent production line • In ABB Switch Intelligent Manufacturing Factory in Xiamen, the continuous flow production line of switchgear uses multiple industrial robots to complete shell assembly and realize continuous production of switchgear by beat and intelligent online detection; • Circuit breaker production line pole intelligent assembly system to achieve automatic…

REM545BM222BAAA Obtained the smart manufacturing capability maturity Level 4 certification

1► Planning and implementation in all aspects to improve the level of intelligent manufacturing, build a high-level intelligent manufacturing demonstration factory, and achieve quality and efficiency improvement 2► The first domestic transmission and distribution equipment manufacturing industry won the CMMM® Level 4 certification of intelligent manufacturing capability maturity, and achieved the “Grand Slam” in the…

SPFEC12 The grand opening of the Robotics Center jointly built by UAO Robotics and MiR Autonomous Mobile Robots in Denmark

Global manufacturers of collaborative Robots, Universal Robots (” UORo “) and MiR Autonomous Mobile Robots (” MiR “), are part of Terreda Robotics Group and will share a new headquarters. Strengthen cooperation to accelerate innovation in the field of advanced robotics. SPFEC12  Uao Robotics and MiR Autonomous Mobile Robots today announced the grand opening of…

IS200EROCH1A It is expected that the demand for traditional industries will pick up slightly in 2024 and implement a dual strategy to expand overseas markets

Recently, Huichuan Technology announced the minutes of investor activities, in exchange with investors and institutions, Huichuan Technology shared its insights on current market trends and future strategic planning, and revealed its ambitions for overseas markets. IS200EROCH1A In the face of fluctuations in the economic cycle, Huichuan Technology observed that from January to April 2024, the…