1444-DYN04-01RA By region, Asia Pacific will have the highest CAGR during the forecast period

By industry, the automotive segment of the industrial segment will hold the highest market share of the collaborative robot market during the forecast period The application of collaborative robots in the automotive industry has revolutionized manufacturing processes, increasing productivity and enhancing worker safety, adaptability and cost-effectiveness. Designed for collaboration with human workers, collaborative robots excel…

MPU55 369B1860G0030 Gather the strength of partners and embark on a beautiful journey together

At the meeting, Feng Huan, vice president of the electric transmission business unit of Wo Wang, and Li Hailong, director of the transmission and industrial system product line, respectively introduced the planning and application of Wo Wang’s low-voltage and medium-high voltage transmission products in detail. In the low-voltage transmission product market, Hewang Electric has HV350,…

T8191 The three “X’s” that Manufacturing Advances Industry 5.0 should address

The three “X’s” that Manufacturing Advances Industry 5.0 should address As manufacturing moves toward Industry 5.0, companies must simultaneously address three core transformation challenges: Business Transformation (BX), Sustainability Transformation (SX), and Employee experience (EX). A balanced development of these three areas is essential for the successful implementation of Industry 5.0. Business Transformation (BX) T8191 Business…

T8193 Sustainability: Towards green and sustainable production

Sustainability: Towards green and sustainable production Under the pillar of “Sustainability”, Industry 5.0 focuses on environmental protection and resource conservation, striving to find the best balance between economic growth and ecological balance. Implementation strategies include the adoption of renewable energy, the promotion of recycling technologies, and the reduction of CO2 emissions and industrial waste through…

T8160 Accelerate the promotion of “artificial intelligence plus”

Accelerate the promotion of “artificial intelligence plus” With the acceleration of the iteration and upgrading of artificial intelligence large model technology, the general and special intelligence level of large model has made important progress, the manufacturing industry, which is highly dependent on mental labor, has become the main battlefield of large model application, and “artificial…

T8461 The level of digital empowerment continues to improve

The level of digital empowerment continues to improve Entering the battery production workshop of Dongfang Risheng New Energy Co., LTD., one AGV (automatic guided carrier) shuttles automatically in the workshop. “Our jointly developed AGV intelligent scheduling system has realized the integration of 20 automation equipment of different protocols in the production workshop into the unified…