EK52 6ZA963-7  Cold thinking in a market boom

Cold thinking in a market boom Behind the rapid development of the industry, there are also many calm voices. EK52 6ZA963-7  “Humanoid robots are not just a simple transplantation of many existing results in industrial robots, there are many basic theoretical problems that need to be solved.” Xi Ning, a member of the expert committee…

HMS01.1N-W0054-A-07-NNNN Fighting the trillion-dollar market, the next generation of disruptive products?

Recently, humanoid robots have become a hot topic of public attention. In China, the humanoid robot competition and humanoid robot 100 forum was held in Beijing, bringing together the “vanguard” in the field of humanoid robots in China. In foreign countries, Nvidia co-founder and CEO Huang Renxun introduced Nvidia’s latest AI chip and hardware solutions…

810-046015-010 How do you know it’s easy?

How do you know it’s easy? Economically developed areas and areas where production units are concentrated, local governments can cooperate with the space cloud network to take the first step to solve the investment problem through direct financial support and organization of commercial investment, and promote the gradual penetration of the industrial Internet in the…

810-017034-005 We will support small and medium-sized enterprises in resuming work and production to tide over difficulties

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on the 10th that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Notice on the Work of Helping Small and Medium-sized 810-017034-005 Enterprises to resume work and Production to overcome difficulties in response to the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, making it clear that…

810-072907-005 Li Xun believes that the epidemic may have an impact on the manufacturing production mode

Since the main problem for manufacturing enterprises to return to work is the return of industrial workers from various provinces and cities, and the return of technical and managerial personnel, the labor-intensive characteristics of the manufacturing industry have also triggered industry thinking under the epidemic. Li Xun believes that the epidemic may have an impact…

810-073479-215 Prevent the transfer of industrial chain and seek opportunities in crisis

Prevent the transfer of industrial chain and seek opportunities in crisis A foreign trade manufacturing business owners told the “finance” reporter that at present, there is not only the phenomenon of industrial chain transfer to other countries, for them, more worried that overseas customers will delay the resumption of work positioning irresistible factors and demand…