KJ3222X1-EA1  Minxin shares: MEMS acoustic, pressure, inertial sensor multi-category layout

Minxin shares: MEMS acoustic, pressure, inertial sensor multi-category layout KJ3222X1-EA1  The company is one of the few domestic enterprises that master the design and manufacturing process capabilities of multi-category MEMS chips, and is committed to becoming a leading MEMS chip platform enterprise in the industry. The company has independent research and development capabilities and core…

KJ3221X1-EA1 Const: Calibration test business leader, vertical extension of high-end sensors

Powertrain intelligent test equipment is the main source of revenue, and the proportion of test service revenue has increased year by year. In 2019-2022, the company’s powertrain intelligent test equipment accounted KJ3221X1-EA1 for 85.0%, 84.8%, 71.7% and 61.1% of revenue, respectively, and although the proportion showed a downward trend, the contribution ratio of the business…

KJ3241X1-BA1 Coriolis Sensor: Force sensor + Industrial iot to create the second growth curve

The research business of structural mechanical properties is the basic disk of the company, and the revenue of PHM-related business contributes significantly. From 2014 to 2021, the revenue of the structural mechanical properties research business (dynamic and static strain test and analysis system) in the company’s main business composition accounted for the largest proportion, and…

KJ3102X1-BA1 Donghua Test: structural mechanics test leader, force sensor leading in China

Donghua Test: structural mechanics test leader, force sensor leading in China KJ3102X1-BA1 Donghua Testing is a leading structural mechanical properties research and electrochemical workstation overall solution provider in China. The company was founded in 1993, 30 years has always focused on intelligent measurement and control system research and development, production and sales, master the core…

KJ3002X1-BF1 MEMS Inertial sensor: IMU measures angular velocity and acceleration

MEMS Inertial sensor: IMU measures angular velocity and acceleration KJ3002X1-BF1 MEMS accelerometers are used to measure the linear acceleration of objects, and capacitive MEMS accelerometers currently dominate the market. MEMS accelerometer is a device that can measure the linear acceleration of an object. It is usually composed of mass block, damper, elastic element, sensitive element…