83SR04C-E Rigid and flexible smart manufacturing

Behind these brilliant achievements, in addition to the intensive production scheduling of the original manufacturers, the power of cross-border conversion through flexible methods has contributed greatly. In fact, under the impact of the epidemic, enterprises that can quickly complete the switchover of production lines, or quickly adjust their strategies, most of them have advanced automation,…

83SR06B-E Flexible production personality diversity

Flexible production personality diversity 83SR06B-E As one of the first batch of intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration enterprises in the country, Sany Heavy Industry is located in Changsha “No. 18 factory”, its intelligent manufacturing workshop to achieve the production of human, equipment, materials, processes and other elements of the flexible integration. Two general assembly lines, can…

XE08B5 Diversified demand has become the mainstream, and products are constantly refined and intelligent

Diversified demand has become the mainstream, and products are constantly refined and intelligent XE08B5  Under the wave of digital economy, the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industry and the pace of high-quality development have accelerated, and new digital formats and new models have been continuously broken through, bringing huge demand for intelligent products, and…

9771-250 More than 500 well-known high-end components companies gathered together in CITE2024

Electronic components are the cornerstone of supporting the development of electronic information industry, and the key performance and quality of high-end components play a decisive role in the accuracy, performance, life and reliability of downstream products. In recent years, affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the international political and economic situation and other factors, the growth…

MM3-4FXM2 In response to realistic challenges, how can Chinese manufacturing remain competitive?

In response to realistic challenges, how can Chinese manufacturing remain competitive? Manufacturing is the cornerstone of China’s economy. Since last year, China’s industrial economy has picked up and improved, but in the face of the extremely complex international situation and the external challenges of “decoupling and chain breaking”, there have been continuous voices about “industrial…