SSA-T8028-0652 P0973LN China is closely connected with the global industry, and the manufacturing center position is firm

China is closely connected with the global industry, and the manufacturing center position is firm SSA-T8028-0652 P0973LN Since the reform and opening up, especially after joining the World Trade Organization, China has accelerated its integration into the world division of labor system, and the manufacturing industry has been continuously upgraded, becoming the only country in…

8200-1312 The long-term trend of stable development of China’s industry will not change

8200-1312 Recently, some industrial enterprises, especially small, medium and micro enterprises, have experienced increased operating difficulties. In this regard, we must look at it objectively, not only to see the current difficulties, but also to see the new opportunities that are being formed, to see that China’s industrial steady growth has many favorable conditions, and…

9907-167 31 provinces and cities “14th Five-Year Plan” digital transformation plan

“The 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China and the Outline of 2035 Vision Goals” will “accelerate digital development and build a digital China” in a single chapter, proposed “digital transformation to drive the overall transformation of production mode, lifestyle and governance”, pointing out the direction for…

PPD539A102  3BHE039770R0102  The realization of mature industrialization in China should be carried forward in parallel with the construction of the “new Four Modernizations”

PPD539A102 3BHE039770R0102  The “Industrialization Blue Book: China’s Industrialization Process Report (2021)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Blue Book”) released on the 19th pointed out that to solve many problems in the process of industrialization in China, to achieve mature industrialization, it needs to be promoted in parallel with the construction of the “new Four modernizations”.…

GFD563A101 3BHE046836R0101 We will promote integrated innovation among large, small and medium-sized enterprises

We will promote integrated innovation among large, small and medium-sized enterprises The 14th Five-Year Plan and the 2035 Vision Target outline propose to promote the integration and innovation of middle and downstream, large and medium-sized enterprises along the industrial chain. GFD563A101 3BHE046836R0101 Xu Xiaolan said that the integration and innovation of large, small and medium-sized…

VMIVME-7807RC “Stuck neck” breakthrough path

“Stuck neck” breakthrough path (1) Basic research VMIVME-7807RC Industrial mother-machine is a strategic and basic industry, which is related to the upgrading of the industrial foundation and the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, so we must first pay attention to basic research and establish our own original industrial system. China needs to combine…