1408-EM3A-ENT We will accelerate the innovation and development of China’s “5G+ industrial Internet”

We will accelerate the innovation and development of China’s “5G+ industrial Internet” 1408-EM3A-ENT At present, China’s “5G+ industrial Internet” is starting, and there are many bottlenecks that need to be broken through, problems that need to be clarified, scenarios that need to be mined, and challenges that need to be addressed. In the next step,…

21747-040-00 The policy helps “5G+ industrial Internet”, and the demand for the B-side shows a blue ocean trend

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the “5G+ Industrial Internet 512 Project Promotion Plan”, the “plan” clearly defined the industrial Internet as one of the important application scenarios for the future 5G technology, and in the early stage of the 5G communication industry and application scenarios, it is necessary to do a…

18745-03 5G supports blockchain technology to maintain logistics security

5G supports blockchain technology to maintain logistics security 18745-03 Relying on blockchain technology to truly and reliably record and transmit the capital information, product information and logistics location information generated by the logistics process, 5G technology can ensure the real-time and efficiency of the information transmission process, and improve the overall efficiency of the industry.…

RDIOR400 Industrial logistics monitoring relies on 5G

AR technology is an important scene for the application of 5G high-bandwidth characteristics in the new generation of logistics industry, because AR equipment is an auxiliary equipment for the logistics industry, which can guide logistics staff to efficiently complete the work in any environment. RDIOR400 It is also of great significance for the upstream e-commerce…

HID2030SK  Opinion: Why is Industrial software hard?

Recently many friends talk about industrial software, I can not help but also want to say a few words. Needless to say, industrial software development itself is particularly difficult. That’s the consensus. I won’t say any more. But in my opinion, the more fundamental reason can be attributed to the market, followed by product characteristics,…