PXIE-5122 CITE2024 takes advantage of the vigorous development of Shenzhen’s electronic information industry

PXIE-5122 The new generation of information and communication is the “fist” industry of Shenzhen industry, and Shenzhen is also the largest gathering place of the new generation of information and communication enterprises in China. Data show that as an important part of the new generation of information and communication industry, the output value of Shenzhen’s…

2711P-K6C20D Industrial blockchain still needs artificial intelligence and other technologies

Industrial blockchain still needs artificial intelligence and other technologies 2711P-K6C20D Despite the hype around the concept, the technology and application of industrial blockchain are still in their infancy, and there is still a long way to go before they are really implemented. “In fact, the industrial manufacturing industry is still relatively traditional, the level of…

1769-IF8 Industrial blockchain should not be rushed, to avoid the emergence of an empty shell concept

Recently, the word “blockchain” has frequently appeared in the spotlight, and this technology, which was originally born in the financial field, is quietly changing the application scenarios and operating rules of many industries. Following the combination of “financial services, logistics management, smart city” and other application scenarios with blockchain, industrial manufacturing has also caught the…

1794-IE12 How to rekindle hope on the application side?

How to rekindle hope on the application side? 1794-IE12 From a technical point of view, the current priority of warehousing AGVs should be secondary innovation on the basis of current products to provide more efficient and more cost-effective solutions. For example, Hazel’s innovative “material box to person” robot is based on Kiva, which innovates the…

8C-PCNT01 Yangtze River Delta robot industry chain map released: production capacity accounts for more than 50% of the country

8C-PCNT01 Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, Dec. 10 The Yangtze River Delta Robot industry chain map released by the Yangtze River Delta Robot and Intelligent Manufacturing Cooperation Organization on the 10th shows that the Yangtze River Delta has gathered a number of well-known international and domestic robot manufacturing and application enterprises, with a production capacity accounting…

7AT664.70 Industrial robot system operators and operations personnel in the next five years demand for about 1.25 million

Industrial robot system operators and operations personnel in the next five years demand for about 1.25 million 7AT664.70 With the development of the industry and the rise of market demand, new occupations have emerged. This year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the General Administration of Market Supervision jointly released 13 emerging…

AX7670-60 “5G+ cloud +AI” enables intelligent upgrading of thousands of industries

“5G+ cloud +AI” enables intelligent upgrading of thousands of industries AX7670-60 Today, “5G+ cloud +AI” is penetrating into the entire production process of various industries, helping enterprises realize the comprehensive intelligent upgrade of planning, research and development, production, manufacturing, sales and customer service. From food, clothing, housing and transportation to cultural health, these industries that…