5X00062G01 Enabling manufacturing is a “add, subtract, multiply and divide” problem

How should we understand industrial big data, how can industrial big data enable intelligent manufacturing, and how to move toward the future industrial Internet on the basis of intelligent manufacturing? The path of transformation and upgrading of industry 5X00062G01 The National Engineering Laboratory of Big Data System Software summarizes the path of industrial transformation and…

5X00497G01 Thicke: How can smart sensors enable Industry 4.0

Thicke: How can smart sensors enable Industry 4.0 5X00497G01 From “sensor” to “smart sensor”, from “perception” to “analysis” transformation, smart sensors can provide valuable digital information for “Industry 4.0”. As a global sensor leader, Cui Lili, marketing director of Guangzhou Xike Sensor Co., LTD., shared the content from “perception to analysis” – and see how…

CP461-50 A happy ending! 2019 South China Intelligent Manufacturing Forum Shenzhen station ended successfully

Focus on the key links of smart manufacturing and lead the transformation of smart factories. Unconsciously, the 2019 South China Intelligent Manufacturing Forum has come to the last stop. CP461-50 Since its launch in July, the 2019 South China Intelligent Manufacturing Forum, sponsored by the SIAF Organizing Committee and the China Industrial Control Network and…

T8480C The manufacturing industry rushed to “intelligence” to guard against the risk of “backbiting”

T8480C In the tide of manufacturing intelligence sweeping the world, a dangerous phenomenon is worth being vigilant about, that is, the rush intelligence of “swarm”. As the main battlefield of economic struggle and competition between countries, the manufacturing industry occupies a crucial position in the transformation and upgrading of China’s economy, which determines the success…

ALR121-S00–> Loop regulation – Loop regulation also lies in the algorithm.

–> Loop regulation – Loop regulation also lies in the algorithm. ALR121-S00 In the final analysis, the essence of industrial control is mathematics, whether it is Gokonomov’s system theory – laid the various mathematical models of artificial intelligence today, Wiener’s cybernetics, Shannon’s information theory, in fact, are mathematical problems, the industrial field is a mathematical…

MVI56-MNETR Do you have your own development tools?

Do you have your own development tools? MVI56-MNETR For the so-called “platform”, I have been more confused, because I have always felt that the “platform” this thing must be a complete architecture to call it a platform, industrial Internet, why will there be a platform? Cloud, that is, the cloud architecture, generally provided by the…

PFVO142 New areas bring more opportunities

New areas bring more opportunities From 2013 to 2018, the Chinese industrial robot market developed rapidly, but by 2018, the Chinese robot market declined for the first time. PFVO142 Song Xiaogang said that this decline has a feature, foreign brands fell by 7.6%, independent brands still maintain 16.2% growth. In terms of application areas, handling…

MTL4850  The robotics industry has a bright future

China’s industrial robot market, which has been developing rapidly since 2013, has stepped on the “sudden brake” in the past two years. In the first half of 2019, the cumulative sales of independent brand industrial robots fell for the first time year-on-year. However, people in the industry believe that the robot industry has a good…