IS200AEPAH1AFD A number of enterprises have begun to make beneficial exploration and successful practice.

IS200AEPAH1AFD A number of enterprises have begun to make beneficial exploration and successful practice. IS200AEPAH1AFD Inspur has done some practice in data asset quality evaluation and data asset value evaluation. Wang Xiangsheng introduced that Inspur Aolin solidly carried out data asset evaluation work, taking Inspur Aolin analysis model data assets as the main body to…

IS215WEMAH1BA “Entry” brings new opportunities for the digital transformation of industrial enterprises

IS215WEMAH1BA After data assets are officially entered into the statement, it will bring great changes to the asset scale, financing path and profit model of enterprises. IS215WEMAH1BA On the one hand, the data assets entered into the statement will directly increase the total assets of the enterprise, which is conducive to fully demonstrating the asset…

Traco TIS600-124 Robot industry to welcome the good market is expected to explosive growth?

On January 4, the Ministry of Emergency Management and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the “Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of emergency robots”, which proposed that by 2025, a number of advanced emergency robots should be developed to greatly improve the level of science, specialization, refinement and intelligence; Build a number…