LS2000 Wuhan released the first ten industrial metauniverse application scenarios

Recently, Wuhan Economic and Information Bureau released the list of ten outstanding application scenarios of Wuhan Industrial metauniverse in 2023. This is the first time that Wuhan has collected and released application scenarios in this field. LS2000 The top ten scenarios involve high-end equipment manufacturing, medical health, industrial product design simulation, industrial simulation training, fashion…

CC-U/STD The next decade is an important window

The next decade is an important window Although there are still many problems in the development, the surveyed enterprises and experts all agree that the next decade will be a “golden decade” for the development of domestic industrial software. “It is expected that China’s industrial simulation software market, its growth rate can be more than…

98008RFRSA10P1 First of all, it is difficult to train industrial software talents.

First of all, it is difficult to train industrial software talents. 98008RFRSA10P1 “Most of China’s colleges and universities have not set up industrial software related majors, lack mature compound talent training programs and curriculum configuration, and interdisciplinary training system has not been established.” In addition, due to the lack of long-term reciprocity mechanism for school-enterprise…

2891005 Domestic industrial software will usher in a “golden decade” domestic market or now China, the United States and Europe three parts of the world

Industrial basic software is one of the “five bases” of industry, which is the key core technology for the urgent needs of the country and the long-term needs. Xinhua Finance research found that the biggest weakness in the development of the industry is the lack of high-end research and development talents, while facing a long-term…

VT3002-1-2X32D “Small and beautiful” enterprises are a key part of high-end manufacturing

“Small and beautiful” enterprises are a key part of high-end manufacturing VT3002-1-2X32D Looking at the development path of global high-end manufacturing, one thing is very interesting. Many of the key technologies, or breakthrough products, were not invented or manufactured by large companies, but were first introduced by many small companies or even startups. The developed…

2MLP-ACF2  From manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing, unlock the “Shandong Password” under the wisdom scene

From manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing, unlock the “Shandong Password” under the wisdom scene When it comes to industrial robots, most people’s first impression will not think of Shandong, but whether it is a more common life service robot in advanced manufacturing, rehabilitation robot, or inspection robot, it has a “made in Shandong” figure. And as…

2MLB-M06A  The transformation of the manufacturing industry has intensified, and the industrial robot industry has pressed the “acceleration key”

With the rapid development of the new generation of information technology, intelligent robots are nothing new. But in fact, robots are entering our lives sooner than thought, but not in the home, but in the field of manufacturing. In recent years, in the context of the acceleration of digitalization and intelligent transformation and upgrading of…

900TEK-0101  New dimension · Towards the international market to strengthen the strategic layout

New dimension · Towards the international market to strengthen the strategic layout Qingdao Industrial Automation Exhibition visited a number of important industry exhibitions in the world, the footprint has been all over South Asia, Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea, Russia, Thailand, Germany and other regions, through international integration, to speed up technological innovation and…