ETT-VGA-0045 Go out and create a world brand

Go out and create a world brand Products can stand out from the fierce competition with the world’s peers, it can be seen that the global market share of “champion” products is very high, and some have occupied an important position in the global industrial chain. Data show that 68.3% of the individual champion enterprises…

Hydran 201Ti China’s manufacturing PMI remained in expansion territory at 50.1 in August

I. Operation of China’s manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index China’s manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) remained above the critical point at 50.1 per cent in August, down 0.3 percentage points from the previous month, as the expansion of the manufacturing sector weakened. 1From the perspective of enterprise size, the PMI of large enterprises was 50.3%, down…

AAP3798102-00131 We will promote high-quality employment and strengthen training

On August 30, at the “14th Five-Year Plan” Employment Promotion Plan (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”) State Council policy routine briefing held by The State Council Information Office, some media asked questions on supporting the employment of manufacturing workers. In this regard, Gao Gao, deputy secretary-general of the National Development and Reform Commission, said…

AAP3798102-00130 Why the Industrial Internet?

In recent years, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has developed rapidly, the Internet has rapidly extended from the field of consumption to the field of production, the industrial economy has deeply expanded from digital to network and intelligent, and the innovative development of the Internet and the new industrial…

PM825-1 China has become a leading force in the industrial robot market and the localization process has accelerated

With its characteristics of versatility, intelligence, high production efficiency and safety, as well as easy management and significant economic benefits, industrial robots have become irreplaceable equipment and links in advanced manufacturing. At the same time, it is also an important symbol to measure the level of manufacturing and science and technology of a country. In…