200-510-071-113 200-510-111-034 VM600 MPC4 Platformization, containerization or the way to break the game

Platformization, containerization or the way to break the game As technology advances and manufacturing costs decrease, the market acceptance of collaborative robots is increasing, and the competition is becoming more intense. According to GGII data, the number of global collaborative robot manufacturers in 2016 is about 30, of which the number of collaborative robot manufacturers…

REU615E_D Xinjiang’s first industrial Internet identification analysis secondary node online

On the 20th, in TBEA Electric Co., LTD., the National Industrial Internet identification analysis secondary node (Xinjiang) officially connected to the national top node, marking the official launch of Xinjiang’s first Industrial Internet identification analysis secondary node. “The launch of Xinjiang’s secondary nodes will become a new driving force for the high-quality development of Xinjiang’s…

CP451-51 IDC releases Industrial Internet Regional Platform and Industrial Services market share report

Beijing, June 24, 2022 – IDC recently released its report “China Industrial Internet Regional Platforms and Industrial Services Market Share, 2021”. According to the report, the regional platform and service market of China’s industrial Internet platform will reach 264 million US dollars (about 1.69 billion yuan) in 2021, an increase of 28.6% compared with 2020.…

3500/42-01-00  The World Intelligence Congress has a guest heavyweight for the sixth consecutive year

On June 22, the 6th World Intelligence Congress held a press conference, which will be held in Tianjin from June 24 to June 25, adhering to the concept of “high-end, internationalization, specialization and marketization”, and the theme is “Smart New Era: Digital empowerment, Smart Win the Future”. The conference adopts the four-in-one “exhibition competition +…

CC-PAIN01 Machinery: General automation recovery, domestic substitution ushered in an important window period

General automation recovery, domestic substitution ushered in an important window period Overseas recovery: Since the epidemic in 2020, downstream demand has been strong, which has promoted the revenue and operating profit of automation enterprises in Europe, the United States and Japan represented by Fanuc, Keenshi, SMC, Siemens, etc., to reach a new high. We have…