9907-1181 “Carbon reduction” has become a required answer for enterprises

“Carbon reduction” has become a required answer for enterprises In recent years, the priority of “green low-carbon transformation” in enterprise operation and decision-making is getting higher and higher, and the most important reasons are people’s green and low-carbon consumption trend, shaping the competitiveness of enterprises and improving the anti-risk ability of trade barriers. First class…

8200-1400 Electronic manufacturing enterprises to build a “new” green

1291 green factories, 104 industrial parks, and 205 green supply chain management enterprises have become models of green transformation in industrial manufacturing. On November 8, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the 2023 green manufacturing public list. Among them, Haier, Konka, Midea, Lenovo, Lisun Electronics and many other electronics and home appliances enterprises…

8200-1310 Honeywell and Chunhui Intelligent Control cooperate in the field of digitalization

3. Honeywell and Chunhui Intelligent Control cooperate in the field of digitalization Honeywell and Zhejiang Chunhui Intelligent Control Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “Chunhui Intelligent Control”) signed a memorandum of cooperation, and the two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation in the fields of smart city gas, new energy utilization, and smart factories. Honeywell…

REB670 The fifth China International Import Expo Honeywell Properties Materials and Technology Group contract project introduction

As one of Honeywell’s four business groups, Honeywell Properties Materials & Technologies showcased nearly 50 innovative technologies and mature solutions in the fields of sustainability, digitalization and life sciences at the 5th China International Import Expo (CIIE). In addition, the Low-carbon Center of the Sustainable Development Institute of Honeywell (China) Co., Ltd. under the Group…

8EI017HWD10.0100-1 Turn challenges into opportunities

Turn challenges into opportunities With the development of distributed power resources, the grid will need to adapt to the rapidly expanding and developing distributed power production, storage and consumption patterns. New digital software will need to keep pace with innovation in power generation systems. The grid needs to steadily expand and upgrade its structure over…

IS220PTURH1B Empowering digital technologies to help electrify and move towards a net zero emission innovation path

The U.S. Energy Information Administration forecasts that global energy consumption will increase by nearly 50 percent in 2050 as renewables grow, and electricity demand will increase by 75-100 percent over the same period, driven by the shift to electric vehicles in motor vehicles and industrial electrification. Renewable energy sources are expected to meet most of…