1336E-MC2-SP42A Industrial knowledge is injected into the general model, breeding the industrial model landing

Trend 4: Industrial Knowledge Graph Industrial knowledge graph technology drives the application of knowledge fusion throughout product life cycle Knowledge graph is a knowledge representation method based on semantic web technology, which abstracts and models entities, attributes and relations to form a graph structure with semantic expression ability. In the industrial field, knowledge graph can…

1336-SN-SP6A The value of expanding the entry of realistic interactive technology is highlighted, and the diversified scene of industrial digitalization is opened

Trend two: Computer vision Industrial scene demand upgrades, driving computer vision technology toward high precision and standardization Computer vision is the most mature technical direction of artificial intelligence application in the industrial field. In 2023, with the improvement of the coverage breadth and depth of application scenarios, more potential value scenario opportunities will be discovered.…

8C-PCNT01 Kaos: China’s industrial Internet technology development will show three directions and ten trends

On July 25, at the 2023 Kaos Digital Ecology Conference, the “Annual Trend of China’s Industrial Internet Technology Development (2023) White Paper” was released, giving the analysis of ten industrial Internet industry trends. 2023 is the closing year of the Industrial Internet Innovation and Development Action Plan (2021-2023). After the rapid growth in recent years,…

330108-91-05 China’s industrial Internet identification analysis system has been fully completed, and the cumulative number of registered identifications has exceeded 330 billion

On July 25, 2023 China Industrial Internet Identification Conference (Central) was held in Wuhan. Wang Peng, a first-level inspector of the Information and Communication Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that China’s industrial Internet identification analysis system has been fully built. The five national top nodes in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou,…

369-HI-0-M-0-0-0 China has contributed more than 50 international standards for intelligent manufacturing

On July 19, The State Council held a press conference to introduce the development of industry and information technology in the first half of 2023. It is understood that in the first half of the year, international cooperation in intelligent manufacturing continued to deepen, the International Electrotechnical Commission issued five international standards led by Chinese…

SA801F Intelligent manufacturing and robotics international joint innovation center opened

On the afternoon of July 20, the “Shanghai Robot Research Institute Jiading Innovation Center” and the “Intelligent Manufacturing and Robot International Joint Innovation Center” were opened in Xiaomei Science Park, Nanxiang Town. Walking, running and dancing, the four-legged dog robot showed its talent in the exhibition hall full of science and technology, which was praised…

330101-00-08-05-02-05 In the first half of the year, the trend of transformation and upgrading of China’s manufacturing industry was obvious

Since the beginning of this year, as the measures to improve and strengthen the real economy and promote industrial transformation and upgrading have taken effect, the structure of China’s manufacturing industry has been optimized and the quality of development has steadily improved. In the first half of the year, the added value of the national…

RLX2-IHNF-A To promote the two-carbon process, what can autonomous mobile robots do?

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments organized the National Energy Conservation Publicity Week in 2023, hoping to “actively respond to climate change and promote green and low-carbon development.” Since China clearly put forward the goal of “double carbon”, low-carbon development has increasingly become an issue of great strategic significance, and the…