FBM230 P0926GU Application of power monitoring system in electric energy saving of intelligent building

Abstract: Power monitoring system is widely used in intelligent buildings. Its advantages of timeliness, stability, safety and convenience improve the efficiency of power use and save costs. The power monitoring system can accurately judge the cause and location of the fault, which provides a strong support for the safety and intelligent development of intelligent buildings…

PR6423/008-110+CON021 Collaborative robot river tide, “commercialization” into a new enterprise ticket?

Under the influence of policy support, global aging, technological progress and other comprehensive factors, the robot industry has been fully equipped with the conditions to enter the period of rapid growth, and the collaborative robot with its light and easy characteristics different from the traditional industrial robot arm, according to the different applications of end-effector…

PR6423/00R-010+CON021 The first line of research to improve the quality and efficiency of the opening, cooperation to reach a new high – tech manufacturing

The steady development of high-tech manufacturing, an important driving force of the industrial economy, has expanded the space for industrial growth and boosted confidence in warding off risks, according to the Voice of China News and Newspaper Summary of the China Media Group. In recent days, the reporter went to many places to investigate and…

3500/25 149369-01 Flexible manufacturing will become the dominant mode of intelligent factory

Flexible manufacturing will become the dominant mode of intelligent factory At present, the consumption mode is gradually changing from standardization and monotonous unification to customization and personality differences. For example, the garment industry actively implements online customization of various garments, the furniture industry vigorously promotes customer customization of the whole house household, the automobile industry…

SCYC51020 58052582G Smart factory has become the main battlefield of digital transformation of manufacturing industry

According to the outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan, we will further implement intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing projects, develop a new model of service-oriented manufacturing, and promote high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing. As 5G and other new generation of information technology continue to deeply integrate with the manufacturing industry, the intelligent development of the…

146031-01 Integrate the advantages of traditional DCS and PLC in one and support a variety of international fieldbus standards

1. System overview and project background ABB IndustrialIT system is the latest enterprise automation solution developed on the basis of ABB’s original control system. The system integrates the advantages of traditional DCS and PLC and supports a variety of international fieldbus standards. It is especially suitable for the application of cement industry, which is widely…