CC-IP0101 Visual evolution of industrial AI

Let’s start with the first topic, what is the value of AI to industrial vision algorithms? The traditional algorithm, I define it in terms of two key words, quantitative analysis and feature engineering. Feature engineering is counting different features. For later judgment, a bunch of if… else… is a feature of traditional algorithms. So AI,…

3500/22M 288055-01 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: To establish an industrial data security standard system by 2024

Soochow Securities issued a research report said that 2023Q1 industrial robot sales 66,000 units, down 3% year on year, down 13% month on month, lower than market expectations. Looking forward to the whole year, robot is the automation product in the “growth” stage. Affected by the downstream business degree, the short-term pressure is expected to…

1769-L32CA Eastern “retrograde”, Sichuan how to do?

Eastern “retrograde”, Sichuan how to do? At present, all-out “fight the economy” is becoming the consensus across the country. Shanghai has joined the rush to attract investment to high-end manufacturing, raising concerns that the western provinces could face an open-ended battle for the top. According to Dai Bin, director of the Research Center for Regional…

3500/22M 138607-01 Ransomware is rampant: a new victim company is added every four hours, making the manufacturing sector the worst hit

According to the report, manufacturing and professional legal services were among the industries most affected by extortion attacks in 2022. Such industries often have strict production schedules or delivery pressures, with manufacturing the most in the spotlight, with 447 companies being victims. Colonial pipeline was one of the most high-profile manufacturing-related extortion attacks in recent…

2300/25-00 New track shows new promise

Advanced and high-tech manufacturing industries, such as advanced materials, are an important part of Guangdong’s efforts to build a modern industrial system, transform momentum and promote high-quality development. In the first quarter of this year, Guangdong’s investment in advanced manufacturing increased by 30.5 percent and that in high-tech manufacturing by 35.1 percent. Tang Xixi, the…

8237-1600 Lead the front from two more than 30% to see Guangdong manufacturing industry solid and stable

In the first quarter of this year, investment in both advanced and high-tech manufacturing in Guangdong increased by more than 30 percent, and industrial investment in seven of the nine cities in the Pearl River Delta increased by more than 30 percent. New projects, new industries, new racetracks… Guangdong continues to strengthen the manufacturing industry,…

FBM232 P0926GW: Best Practice Case for Big Data Management and Analysis Platform for Industrial Scenarios is officially released

IDC recently released the report “IDC PeerScape: Best Practice Case of Big Data Management and Analysis Platform for Industrial Scenarios”, which summarized the four challenges and practice paths faced by industry users in the application process, and selected the best practice cases, and provided relevant guidance and suggestions for industry users for market reference. The…

FBM230 P0926GU With the acceleration of industrial digitization, enterprises are facing new challenges of network security

With the acceleration of industrial digitization, enterprises are facing new challenges of network security. The 2023 Ransomware Threat Report has been released by Petophnet, a global overview of extortion attacks based on nearly 1,000 investigations over the past 18 months. Ransomware attack is a popular mode of network attack in recent years, which refers to…