HONEYWELL SC-TCMX01 51307198-175 Buy NI software and get free high performance hardware and training courses

National Instruments China (NI) has announced a limited time offer: with the purchase of certain NI software products, receive up to $4,850 of free high performance hardware and customized training services to provide complete virtual instrument solutions for your applications. The campaign covers mainland China and Hong Kong and is valid from March 1, 2005…

The future development of weighing sensor industry

1. Abandon impetuous mentality and strengthen basic research and process guarantee means of sensors. The state technical supervision and other relevant departments must actively guide and help enterprises to build sensor development centers. It is necessary to increase the investment in basic research departments of sensors, focus on cultivating talents in relevant basic fields, and…


A tiny silicon robot has made a breakthrough in crawling in a laboratory in Los Angeles, the United States, by relying on the pulse power of living heart muscle tissue. The robot is so small that it is only half the width of a human hair. This is the world’s first robot powered by muscle…