UCD208A101 3BHE020018R0101 The Industrial Internet, the big screen on the shop floor? Anyone can do it? These 10 questions, chat understand →

Many people hear the “industrial Internet” will feel abstract, difficult to understand, today’s CCTV financial channel “Dialogue” column, with ten easy to understand, take you to understand what is the “industrial Internet”. 1. Is the industrial Internet the big screen in the workshop? He Dongdong, co-founder and CEO of Root Internet Co., LTD. : The…

TP854 3BSE025349R1 What is the damage of frequency conversion to the motor?

The emergence of frequency converter has brought innovation to industrial automation control and motor energy saving. Industrial production is almost inseparable from the frequency converter, even in daily life, elevators, frequency conversion air conditioning has become an indispensable part, the frequency converter has begun to penetrate into every corner of production and life. However, the…

TCSESM043F2CS0 Xinhua News Agency: Manufacturing production index expands Industrial economy continues to recover

China’s manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) was 50.1 per cent in September, up 0.7 percentage points from the previous month. The manufacturing sector entered the traditional peak season, with the production index rising to 51.5%, up 1.7 percentage points from the previous month. The prosperity level of large, medium and small enterprises has rebounded… A…

TB820-2V2 3BSE013209R1 A new generation of industrial software to activate industrial digital transformation “a pool of spring water”

Intelligent transformation, data governance, enterprise cloud…… When all walks of life are actively involved in the digital wave, industrial enterprises and intelligent manufacturing system manufacturers need to “accurately break” the problem is particularly many. A system service provider with 17 years of experience in industrial software and flexible automation intelligent manufacturing technology, under the current…

TAC-311DG The market share report of China Industrial Control Firewall in 2022 was officially released

In recent years, global industrial security incidents have occurred frequently, and many fields such as power, water conservancy, petroleum and petrochemical, and automobile manufacturing have been attacked to varying degrees, which have caused huge economic losses and social reputation losses to enterprises. It is also in the context of the increasingly severe threat situation that…

T9451 Machine vision market size of nearly 40 billion, the future average annual growth rate of more than 30%! Domestic enterprises compete for layout

With the continuous breakthrough of artificial intelligence technology, machine vision has become the application and technical direction of AI deep learning. Whether it is humanoid robots or intelligent driving, it is an important direction of machine vision landing, and machine vision has become a necessary prerequisite for AI to enable thousands of industries. It has…