GDC806A0101 3BHE028761R0101 Third, local enterprises have opportunities in the integrated joint industry chain

Third, local enterprises have opportunities in the integrated joint industry chain (1) Motor: hollow cup motor is widely used, and torque motor is gradually serialized There are many varieties of motors, and there are generally two types of classification, according to the control method and according to the drive method. Control mode classification: including servo…

FTA-554 17-550554-001 Second, local enterprises have opportunities in the integrated joint industry chain

Second, local enterprises have opportunities in the integrated joint industry chain (1) Humanoid robots include five major modules, and China’s industrial chain has opportunities Humanoid robot includes two categories: hardware layer and software layer. The software layer is equipped with Tesla AI, which is the horizontal migration of FSD algorithm of Tesla automobile; Hardware includes…

FTA-544 17-550544-001B Humanoid robot industry special report: The hope of core components, the cradle of invisible champions

First, the product function is becoming more and more perfect, and the future growth is expected to be high (1) Product functions are becoming more and more perfect, and physical and visual abilities are improving simultaneously The research and development of humanoid robot products is gradually promoted, and the functions are becoming more and more…

F7123 Youke Holding Youyun Zhailian proposed the concept of manufacturing intelligent operation system MIOS for the first time in the industry

Recently, at the 2023 Industrial Internet Conference in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, Li Zhaohui, CTO of Qingdao Youyun Zhilian, first proposed the concept of Manufacturing Intelligent Operation System MIOS (Manufacturing Intelligent Operation System). And shared about the “industrial Internet platform + digital twin” technology innovation practice. Youyun Zhaopin has been cooperating with Guangdong Intelligent Robot Research…

ECU01 ECU01.5 Schneider Electric acquires EcoAct

Atos Group, a global leader in digital transformation, today announced that it has entered into exclusive negotiations with Schneider Electric for the sale of 100 percent of EcoAct SAS and its subsidiary (” EcoAct “). Through this potential transaction, Atos will secure a divestment program for its non-core assets while establishing a strategic partnership with…

DO880-1 3BSE028588R1 Logistics robot based on NAVIS

Indoor and outdoor factory logistics is NAVIS platform specialty. In modern industrial production, indoor and outdoor factory distribution is an emerging market demand, with the development and change of automatic driving technology, the implementation cost and product cost of outdoor logistics are further reduced, which brings further expansion and development space for outdoor logistics. The…

DO810 3BSE008510R1 The four core scenes landed, and the latest achievements of Songling robots were unveiled, super simple and easy to use

Although the process of machine replacement is in full swing, in the original indoor and outdoor mobile work scenes with large areas, long operating lines and complex environments, many enterprises will soon choose to give up after trying to use robots. Because in these factories, power grids, railways, and agricultural scenarios, the mapping area is…