DS200FCSAG2A China’s super Automation Industry Insight Report 2023

Super automation is a business-driven approach to quickly identify, review, and automate as many business and IT processes as possible, involving the coordinated use of multiple technologies, tools, or platforms such as artificial intelligence, robotic process automation (RPA), intelligent Business Process Management (iBPMS), process mining (PM), and low code (LCAP). At present, super automation can…

DS200FHVAG1A China has built a total of nearly 8,000 digital workshops and smart factories

China’s industrial Internet has developed rapidly in recent years, according to the “Industrial Internet Innovation and Development Report (2023)” released by the China Industrial Internet Research Institute on the 18th. At present, nearly 8,000 digital workshops and smart factories have been built across the country, and the scale of the core industrial Internet industry has…

DS200NATOG2A Advantech Embedded Edge Computing Industry Partner Summit was successfully held

On October 19, 2023, Advantech’s “Embedded Edge Computing Industry Partner Summit” was held in Shenzhen, China. As the edge computing special session of the 2023 Advantech Series Industry Partner Summit, the theme of this summit is “The New trend of embedded edge computing detonates the application business opportunities of emerging industries”. With Microsoft, AMD, Arm,…

IS200FGPAG1A Multi-dimensional application accelerates and enhances the efficiency of local scientific research

Multi-dimensional application accelerates and enhances the efficiency of local scientific research In the analysis of small foreign objects in circuit boards, display screens and other electronic devices, in the protection of cultural relics and authenticity identification, in material research and drug quality control, researchers often need to obtain information about micron samples in a few…

IS200FGPAG1A Thermo Field’s local practices help scientific research and medical technology innovation

Recently, Thermo Fisher Technology (hereinafter referred to as: Thermo Fei), the global leader in enabling scientific and technological progress, continues to practice its “creation and coexistence” in China development commitment, after bringing more than 10 new products in the first half of the year, and focuses on the introduction of a number of cutting-edge new…

IS200ADIIH1A Barbara Frei of Schneider Electric: The foundation of industrial innovation and talent for the future of digital industry

Dr. Barbara Frei, global Executive Vice President and head of Industrial automation business of Schneider Electric, visited Zhejiang University and delivered a speech with the theme of “Firmly forming the basis of industrial innovation and Talents, and Going to the Future of digital Industry”, and discussed the development trend of future industry under the wave…