140CPU65260 The fifth batch of “Industrial Internet Product whitelist” was officially released

On September 3, the 2022 Service Trade Conference – Industrial Internet Innovation and Development Forum was successfully held. The forum was hosted by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, and hosted by the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center and the Capital Exhibition (Group) Co., LTD., with the theme of “Platform…

140CPU67160C Industry empowerment – Heavy release leads the development direction

Industry empowerment – Heavy release leads the development direction 1. Eight enterprises obtained the robot intelligence grade evaluation certificate According to the release, the robot intelligence level evaluation project covers four aspects: comprehensive intelligence, perceptual intelligence, cognitive/decision intelligence, and executive intelligence. At the meeting, certificates were issued to eight enterprises that passed the robot intelligence…

140CRA31200 “China Robot Reliability Information Report” released

3, “China Robot Reliability Information Report” released In 2021, Shanghai Robot research and development and transformation functional platform and leading enterprises concerned about reliability level jointly launched the robot reliability evaluation and level improvement initiative, and dozens of domestic robot enterprises actively responded. Since then, the platform has cooperated with industry enterprises to carry out…

140CRA93101 China Electrical Equipment Industry Electrical Transportation Equipment standardization and technology Industry innovation Alliance was established

1. China Electrical Equipment Industry Electrical Transportation Equipment standardization and technology Industry innovation Alliance was established At the meeting, the China Electrical Industry Electrical Transportation Equipment Standardization and Technology Industry Innovation Alliance (referred to as “eT Alliance”) was formally established. Wang Ye, Deputy Director of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission Wu Xiaodong, Chairman of IEC/TC125…

140CRP31200 The fourth Yangtze River Delta Robot Industry Innovation Conference was successfully held

On September 2, during the same period of the 2022 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, the Robot Technology Application Innovation Forum and the fourth Yangtze River Delta Robot Industry Innovation Conference were successfully held in Shanghai. With the theme of “Industry empowerment, results release, high-end dialogue”, many scholars, experts, entrepreneurs and media at home and abroad…

140CRP81100 Scale replication, continuous acceleration – China’s AI enabled industrial quality inspection solutions market share released

International Data Corporation (IDC) recently released the report “China’s AI-enabled Industrial Quality Inspection Solutions Market Share, 2021”. According to the report, the overall market size of industrial quality inspection solutions (excluding hardware) in 2021 reached $210 million, an increase of nearly 48.4% from 2020. Market overview AI industrial quality inspection field scene fragmentation has led…

140DAI54000 Us Department of Energy releases’ Roadmap for Decarbonizing Industry ‘

On September 7, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released an “Industrial Decarbonization Roadmap” that identifies four key ways to reduce emissions from U.S. manufacturing industries. The roadmap highlights the urgency of significantly reducing carbon emissions and pollution in the industrial sector and proposes a phased programme of research, development and demonstration for industry and…

140DAO84000 How does EtherCAT maintain the C position

03 How does EtherCAT maintain the C position In the current automation market, especially the servo product line, the bus protocol will gradually replace the pulse protocol. In some servo downstream application industries, the EtherCAT protocol, which takes into account the two characteristics of “bus” and “Ethernet”, is gradually occupying the mainstream position in the…