PR6423/010-140+CON021 Accelerating new industrialization plays an important role in comprehensively enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises

For example, Jiangxi clearly “one chain and one policy” to promote the advantageous industries to extend the chain and strengthen the chain; Henan proposed to implement special breakthroughs in key subdivision areas by chain to promote the jump in the scale and level of manufacturing chain groups; Zhejiang proposed to focus on four trillion-level industrial…

9199-00002-A6120 Gather “chain” into “group” places to accelerate the promotion of new industries

Recently, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Henan and other places have held new industrialization promotion conferences, focusing on improving the competitiveness of the industrial chain, accelerating the renewal of traditional industries and the growth of emerging industries, and promoting the development of industrial clusters, and systematically deploying and promoting new industrialization. Industry insiders said that many seize…

KJ3242X1-BK1 The current general manufacturing industry is gradually picking up and is expected to recover fully in the fourth quarter

The current general manufacturing industry is gradually picking up and is expected to recover fully in the fourth quarter The recovery process of this cycle is relatively slow, but it has now emerged, and the overall automation plate will officially pick up at the end of 2023. According to MIR forecast, China’s overall automation market…

IS200DTAIH1ACC General manufacturing cycle law

General manufacturing cycle law Since the beginning of this century, the general manufacturing industry has experienced six cycles, and the current cycle is at the bottom Looking back at the rapid development of the industry since the 21st century, the general manufacturing industry has mainly experienced six cycles, each round of 3-4 years, consistent with…

T9432 General manufacturing automation is the main body of industrial automation

General manufacturing automation is the main body of industrial automation General manufacturing industry is synonymous with general automation and general equipment industry, is the main body of industrial automation, after years of development, has been intertwined with intelligent manufacturing, professional equipment manufacturing, closely linked. General manufacturing (general automation, general equipment) refers to the manufacturing industry…

T9451 General Automation Industry Special Report: Recovery is on the rise

General manufacturing, namely general automation, is the main body of industrial automation China’s general manufacturing automation is developing rapidly, and domestic substitution continues to advance Industrial automation is an application of automation technology, which is applied to the industrial production process to achieve the comprehensive purpose of improving the quality of industrial production, reducing consumption,…

S72402-NANANA China Machinery General Institute and Siemens Digital Industrial Software signed a strategic cooperation agreement

In order to fully implement the strategic deployment of China Machinery General Institute for industrial machines and industrial software, on October 31, China Machinery General Institute and Siemens Digital Industrial Software held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony in Nanjing. Meng Xiangyu, deputy General manager of China Machinery General Institute, attended the signing ceremony and delivered…