PM825-1 China has become a leading force in the industrial robot market and the localization process has accelerated

With its characteristics of versatility, intelligence, high production efficiency and safety, as well as easy management and significant economic benefits, industrial robots have become irreplaceable equipment and links in advanced manufacturing. At the same time, it is also an important symbol to measure the level of manufacturing and science and technology of a country. In…

3500/70-01-00 Domestic PLC pattern: small PLC further localization, medium and large PLC still need to work hard

PLC (Programmable Logic Controller, programmable logic controller) is the core component of electrical automation, widely used in a variety of industrial automation processes, in the field of industrial control plays a crucial role. Several research reports predict that China’s PLC market size will reach 16.54 billion yuan in 2023, of which the market size of…

IC698CMX016 VMIVME-5567-000 350-005567-000 Made in China under the epidemic: Risks and opportunities in the supply chain

Manufacturing relies on complex and complete production systems. When a key area or link goes wrong, the “butterfly effect” is easy to appear. The epidemic has made many companies feel the pressure from the supply chain, and has also made the seemingly unfamiliar term supply chain enter the public’s vision. At the extraordinary G20 Leaders’…

PM802F Promote the integrated development of “5G+ Industrial Internet”

Promote the integrated development of “5G+ Industrial Internet” Promoting the development of “5G+ Industrial Internet” and accelerating the transformation of China’s industry from “scale and quantity” to “quality and efficiency” has become an industry consensus. In the future, it is the general trend to promote the accelerated integration of “5G+ industrial Internet“. Liu Duo, president…