AI835 3BSE008520R1 In addition, the level of clean energy replacement for standby diesel generators should also be paid attention to and improved.

In the electronic information industry, the report pointed out that Shenzhen has implemented a series of policy measures, relying on various policy guidance documents, enterprises can fully carry out their own operation energy-saving, and gradually apply digital management, continue to improve the operation of carbon reduction effect. In the field of new energy vehicles, the…

990-05-50-01-00 Jointly compiled and published by Siemens and the National Center for Strategic Research and International Cooperation on Climate Change

Jointly compiled and published by Siemens and the National Center for Strategic Research and International Cooperation on Climate Change; Analyze the policy support, industrial development status and challenges of Shenzhen’s three emerging industries of electronic information, new energy vehicles and data centers one by one, and sort out the path of industrial carbon reduction; Based…

21504-00-28-10-02 Relying on advanced technology, the test is safe, efficient and accurate

Relying on advanced technology, the test is safe, efficient and accurate Huichuan Technology offers a variety of solutions in the field of test benches, which have unique characteristics and obvious advantages in application, thus providing excellent solutions for customers’ test needs. High performance electric drive technology. Taking the 25,000-rpm high-speed motor as an example, Huichuan…

3300/03-01-01 Huichuan Technology interview: Leading the innovation and development of the automotive test bench industry

With the rapid development of automobile industry, automobile test technology has been paid more and more attention as an important part of ensuring vehicle safety and performance superiority. Today will lead you to understand the unique development of Huichuan technology in the test bench industry, as well as its leading characteristics and advantages of industry…

A06B-6114-H106 Zhongcong’s “135 customer value innovation model” was recognized by top management organizations

On August 18, the 9th Talent Economic Forum and the 2nd High Energy Team Award Ceremony jointly sponsored by Harvard Business Review and FESCO was successfully held in Beijing. After professional visits, research and strict selection in the early stage, the “135 Customer value innovation model” team of Zhongkong stood out and won the high-energy…

1407-CGCM/D “Local” is the key word. Takuoka repeatedly stressed the importance of working with local partners.

“Local” is the key word. Takuoka repeatedly stressed the importance of working with local partners. Connecting information, organizations and enterprises to promote symbiosis is the direction Yokogawa Electric has been striving to promote over the years. “Yokogawa Electric has a lot of business experience in China, but that’s not enough. Even if there is a…

AHD70E4-44S Based in China, success has its way

Based in China, success has its way Yokogawa Electric has a history of more than 100 years, as early as 1957 has entered the Chinese market and began to explore business opportunities, and with China’s technology leaders, the industry to establish a collaborative relationship, in 1965 set up a representative office in China, in 2008…

2711-K9A8/F Yokogawa Electric General manager Takeoka Ichihiko interview: hand in hand with customers, create the future

Mr. Kazuhiko Takeoka, Managing Director of Yokogawa Electric (China) Co., Ltd. recently accepted the cover interview of CEO Magazine, a well-known business publication, to talk about how Yokogawa Electric works with customers to create a better future, and the sustainable development of Yokogawa Electric as a century-old company. Yokogawa Electric, the industry’s leading provider of…