FBM203 Specifically, we need to make efforts in the following aspects.

Specifically, we need to make efforts in the following aspects. First, continue to increase investment in research and development. The gap between China’s manufacturing industry and developed countries in terms of technology level is largely due to the short industrialization time and insufficient accumulation of scientific and technological strength. Therefore, whether it is to enhance…

FBM202 The development direction of China’s manufacturing industry in the period of the 14th Five-Year Plan

Third, the global supply chain layout is accelerating the adjustment, and the trend of diversification, regionalization and localization is obvious. Global industrial division follows the logic of efficiency first. Under the premise of considering the transaction costs such as transportation and communication, the global value chain is fragmented, and each link is allocated to the…

FBM201D Changes in industrial pattern have deeply affected the development of China’s manufacturing industry

Changes in industrial pattern have deeply affected the development of China’s manufacturing industry At present, the international economic, technological, cultural, security and political landscape is undergoing profound adjustments. The change of the development trend of the global manufacturing pattern has a significant impact on the development of China’s manufacturing industry. First, changes in the factor…

XVH-330-57MPI-1-10 The evolution of global manufacturing pattern and China’s countermeasures

The world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has spawned new technologies, new industries, new forms of business and new models, unilateralism and protectionism are on the rise, and the comparative advantages of countries around the world have changed, and many…

IC695ETM001-EK Toshiba joins hands with GE to bring new players to Japan’s wind power industry

International Energy Network/Wind power headlines learned that recently, TOSHIBA (TOSHIBA) and the United States General Electric (GE) are promoting joint production of offshore wind turbine core components of cooperation negotiations. At present, the most famous wind turbine manufacturer in Japan is mainly the joint venture Mitsubishi – Vestas, which is located in Europe, far away…

PFSK151-3BSE018876R1 Thickened quarterly net profit

Thickened quarterly net profit “My hometown is in Henan. This year in response to the “local Chinese New Year” initiative to stay in Jiaxing. During the Spring Festival, the company gave all our employees three times the salary, and also issued 800 yuan subsidies, 1,000 yuan shopping cards, Spring Festival red envelopes, New Year red…

VM600 IOC4T Research shows that automation will shrink Australia’s job market by 11% by 2030

By 2030, Australia’s job market will shrink by 11%, or 1.5 million jobs, as artificial intelligence and automation continue to reshape the global workforce, according to Forrester. Finance, accounting and procurement employees in highly structured management jobs are most at risk: automation could eliminate 1 million of those jobs first. A new report by Forrester,…