HIEE401782R0001 LTC391AE01 Vigorously develop intelligent sensing materials and devices

Smart sensors are the perception units of the information age, which can receive and process massive data and transmit information instantaneously, and play an important role in the development of 5G communication, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, advanced robots, unmanned driving, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent transportation, intelligent medical care, as well as…

1769-IA16 SIAF 2021 opens as promised

Early spring March, kapok open! On March 3, 2021, the Guangzhou International Industrial Automation Technology and Equipment Exhibition (SIAF 2021), an industry event rooted in South China for more than ten years, opened in Guangzhou China Import and Export Commodities Exhibition Hall as scheduled. Covering the latest products and technologies in global industrial automation, the…

1785-L40B The growing demand for chemical sensors market size will break 25 billion yuan in 2021

Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that in 2019, China’s petrochemical and chemical industry achieved main business income of 11.17 trillion yuan, accounting for 10.56% of the main business income of industrial enterprises above designated size in the country; The total profit of the petrochemical and chemical industries was 505.4 billion yuan, accounting…

1784-PKTXD For mobilizing the enthusiasm of enterprises on the cloud

For mobilizing the enthusiasm of enterprises on the cloud, it is recommended that the competent government departments strengthen cultivation and guidance: First of all, it is necessary to cultivate and screen high-quality industrial Internet cloud platform service providers in different industries, encourage and support leading enterprises in various subdivisions to take the lead in building…

S739DVR0 Third, strengthen the cultivation of key generic technology research, establish a reusable mechanism model base.

Industrial APP is a historical opportunity for the transformation of China’s traditional industries to change lanes and overtake vehicles. To strengthen the development of China’s industrial APP, it is necessary for the government, enterprises, production, research and use of joint efforts. To solve the above problems, there are the following suggestions. First, it is suggested…