UNS0119A-P,V101 3BHE029154P3 3BHE029153R0101 Seize the opportunity of transformation to achieve low-carbon development

Seize the opportunity of transformation to achieve low-carbon development The petroleum refining and chemical industry is an important pillar industry of the national economy, and it is also a key industry for upgrading and transformation under the background of “double carbon” goal. At present, China’s petroleum refining and chemical industry is in a critical period…

UNS0007A-P V1 HIEE305098R0001 HIEE410730P201 For the cooperation between the two sides

Liu Maoshu said that in the cooperation, a highlight of the digital intelligence technology provided by Honeywell is the deep integration of its UOP refining process technology and expert insights, through the “two-pronged” means of hardware and software, to achieve 1+1>2 results. With UOP process experts, Honeywell enables optimization guidance and card edge control to…

UNC4672A V1 HIEE205012R1 HI220957-31239 Dual skills integration and strong cooperation

New requirements will inevitably lead to the transformation and upgrading of the industry. As a traditional industry, the transformation of the petrochemical industry should not only involve products and production process routes, but more importantly, the transformation of the production management level, which should adopt more “advancing with The Times” means and methods, such as…

UFC921A101 3BHE024855R0101 3BHE024856P201 Honeywell joins hands with Shenghong Petrochemical! Industry big coffee talk about the transformation and development of intelligent number

In order to achieve high-quality and sustainable development, the petrochemical industry needs to adopt more “advancing with The Times” means and methods, use the world’s leading digital technology to continuously improve the automation degree of plants and factories, accelerate the digitization process of enterprises, and comprehensively improve the level of production efficiency, production lean management,…

UFC911B110 3BHE037864R0110 Is it too late to enter?

Is it too late to enter? In fact, SoftBank has been very optimistic about investment in the field of robotics, as early as 2020 invested in California-based Bear robotics. Through the second phase of the Vision Fund, SoftBank has also invested in Shanghai-based service robot developer Keenon Robotics, among others. For the battlefield of AI,…

UFC760BE42 3BHE004573R0042 SoftBank’s first investment after “All in AI” is aimed at robots

“We will launch a counter-offensive soon.” SoftBank Group founder Masayoshi Son appeared again at the company’s earnings conference and said, “I hope SoftBank can lead the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution.” In the view of the industry, Sun’s remarks indicate that it will begin a “large-scale counterattack.” The latest news pointed out that Sun Zhengyi’s latest…

UFC760BE41 3BHE004573R0041 Schneider Electric: The digital engine drives the high quality and sustainable development of new energy

Recently, the Schneider Electric New Energy Industry Summit with the theme of “win-win digitalization, Creating an efficient and sustainable Future” was successfully held in Harbin Ice City. Schneider Electric, a global expert in digital transformation in energy management and automation, shared and discussed hot topics such as new development situations and challenges facing the new…

UFC718AE101 HIEE300936R0101 HIEE410516P201 GMCC introduces precise frequency control and silence technology for heat pump compressors

At present, with the consumer demand for home appliances to green, scene, intelligent, personalized upgrade, the consumer end and the whole machine manufacturing end of the industrial chain upstream core parts enterprises put forward higher requirements. Recently, GMCC, a system level solution provider for core components of consumer appliances, released the precise frequency control and…