369-HI-R-M-0-0-0-E In February, Caixin China’s manufacturing PMI recorded 50.4, returning to the expansion range

In February, the prosperity of China’s manufacturing industry slightly improved, and the Caixin China Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) rebounded to the expansion range, slightly expanding. The Caixin China Manufacturing PMI for February 2022, released on March 1, recorded 50.4, an increase of 1.3 percentage points from January, indicating that the overall prosperity of the…

IS220PDIOH1B Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: There are over 2000 ongoing projects of “5G Industrial Internet” in China

On February 28th, at the press conference held by the State Council Information Office to promote the smooth operation and upgrading of industry and information technology, Tian Yulong, Chief Engineer and spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, stated that China’s manufacturing industry’s digital transformation is showing an accelerating development trend, and innovation…

F8650X 984865065 To boost the industrial economy, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has proposed these measures

On the 28th, Minister of Industry and Information Technology Xiao Yaqing stated at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office that in the first two months of 2022, the industrial economy continued to stabilize and recover, especially with the effective implementation of various policies and measures to stabilize industrial growth, achieving phased…

PP881 3BSE092978R1 Practice of Building Global Optimization Solutions to Empower Enterprises in Digital Transformation and Upgrading

Practice of Building Global Optimization Solutions to Empower Enterprises in Digital Transformation and Upgrading The cost correlation between various links in industrial production is strong and mutually restrictive. Only considering the optimal cost of a single link will lead to a “barrel effect”. Therefore, the application of intelligent decision-making should aim for global optimization to…

X-SB01 985210207 Intelligent decision-making is driving new growth in enterprises

On February 25, 2022, the “2022 Industrial” Intelligent Decision “White Paper – Lightening the” Lighthouse “of Enterprise Growth” (hereinafter referred to as the “White Paper”), jointly organized and written by renowned research and consulting firm Love Analytics and China’s leading intelligent decision-making technology company Shanshu Technology, was officially released. This white paper focuses on complex…

RMBA-01 Multiple 6G collaborative innovation achievements have been released, and China Mobile advocates original technology

The global 6G R&D has been fully launched and is becoming a new highland for a new round of technological innovation. On February 25th, at the “Meeting the Future -6G Collaborative Innovation Achievement Conference” held online by China Mobile Research Institute, 8 white papers on key 6G technologies were released, including multiple original Chinese technologies.…

RLXIB-IHW-A Accelerated development of digital government construction

Accelerated development of digital government construction Wang Yimin, Director of the Electronic Government Research Center of the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China (National School of Administration) and Deputy Director of the National Electronic Government Expert Committee, stated that the “14th Five Year Plan” outline proposes to “promote the construction of a…

8913-PS-AC The construction and development of digital government accelerate the positive progress of industrial internet

On February 25th, the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released the 49th Statistical Report on the Development of China’s Internet in Beijing (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”). The report focuses on six aspects, including internet infrastructure construction, the scale and structure of internet users, internet applications, industrial internet, internet government services, and internet…