330103-00-06-10-02-00 The shift from old growth drivers to new ones accelerated at 48.8% of China’s manufacturing PMI

Manufacturing sentiment eased slightly Steady recovery of the service sector The manufacturing PMI came in at 48.8 percent in May, down 0.4 percentage points from the previous month, reflecting a slowdown in production activity, according to data released on May 31 by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing and the Service Industry Survey Center…

330103-00-04-10-02-00 The application of non-invasive brain computer interface in industrial safety monitoring still needs to break through three difficulties

Brain-computer interface technology has made breakthroughs from science fiction to reality in the past half century. At present, the research and development of brain computer interface has been continuously explored in bionics, medical diagnosis and intervention, consumer electronics, industry, education, virtual reality and other fields. Speaking at the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum – Brain-Computer Interface Innovation…

1756-CNB/D A strong manufacturing country does not mean that the share of manufacturing industry increases

With the increasing proportion of service industry and service consumption, there will be some new trends in economic and social development in the post-industrialization era. First, changes in employment structure and vocational skills. At the manufacturing stage, people work with machines, so simple training can get a junior high school worker to work on a…

5X00594G01 Yangtze River Research Institute of Production and Economy: Solve the problem of “highly skilled” jobs in industrial enterprises

Around 2010, industrial enterprises in the east Coast appeared the phenomenon of “recruitment difficulties” and “labor shortage”, which has not been fundamentally solved in the past ten years, and has gradually spread to the central region. But on the whole, industrial enterprises are difficult to employ, in fact, mainly belong to structural contradictions. On the…

5X00481G01 Classification and classification will promote the construction and application of 5G fully connected factories

According to the action plan, Zhejiang will focus on promoting the construction and application of 5G fully connected factories in the following three aspects. In the construction of typical application scenarios, centering on the “415X” advanced manufacturing cluster, guide the construction of 5G fully connected factories, continuously enrich the application scenarios of 5G technology, create…

1C31194G03 It is urgent for industrial system to grasp industrial software, the lifeblood of intelligent manufacturing

At present, new products, new business forms and new models of intelligent manufacturing continue to emerge. The scale of intelligent manufacturing equipment industry has exceeded 3.2 trillion yuan, the revenue of industrial software products has exceeded 240 billion yuan, and more than 140 system solution suppliers have more than 1 billion yuan in main business…