WES5120 5120-1506 We will accelerate the construction of vertical industry standards

We will accelerate the construction of vertical industry standards There are many subdivided industries in the industrial field, and the data security requirements of different vertical industries have both commonalities and great differences. Therefore, it is urgent to accelerate the construction of vertical industry standards. According to the draft, data safety standards for vertical industries…

WES5120 5120-1106 2023 Low Code · No Code industry Conference was successfully held in Beijing

On May 19, 2023, the “2023 Low Code · No Code Industry Conference”, sponsored by China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (hereinafter referred to as “China ICT”) and China Communications Standardization Association, undertaken by Cloud Computing Standards and Open Source Promotion Committee of China Communications Standardization Association and supported by enterprise digital development co-construction…

WES13-3 Special Report on Industrial Internet Platform: Key to industrial Big data and industrial AI

First, What is the industrial Internet platform? 1.1 Industrial Internet Platform is the “operating system” of Industrial Internet Industrial Internet platform is the “operating system” of industrial Internet, which is oriented to the demands of digitalization, networking and intelligentization of manufacturing industry, builds a service system based on mass data collection, convergence and analysis, and…

PRG-MODEM The difference between industrial APP and traditional industrial software

1.3 Differences between industrial APP and traditional industrial software Industrial APP is based on industrial Internet platform or industrial software operating system and other platforms, oriented to specific industrial scenarios, to solve specific industrial problems, based on the platform’s technical engine, resources, models and business components, industrial mechanism, technology, knowledge, algorithm and best engineering practices…

IC693CPU374-GU Our country becomes the world’s third largest integrated circuit market

According to Xinhua News Agency, China’s integrated circuit industry in recent years sustained rapid development, has become the world’s third largest market only after the United States and Japan. According to Xu Xiaotian, secretary-general of the China Semiconductor Industry Association, China’s output of integrated circuits reached 9.63 billion pieces last year, up 51.4 percent year…

DL-1200 RTU Domestic and foreign automation industry technology development gap

2.2 Technological development gap of automation industry at home and abroad 1) Gap in innovation ability :(1) Lack of original high technology achievements. Domestic automation industry related enterprises often through the introduction of foreign advanced technology to promote the upgrading of products, but it is difficult to thoroughly absorb foreign technology, often fall into the…

D20 MIC 10BASE-T Development status of automatic instrument and automatic control technology

2. Development status of automatic instrument and automatic control technology 2.1 Technological development status of domestic industrial automation industry Along with the development of economy and the support of national policy, our automation instrument industry has become complete category, distribution is reasonable, and has more advanced technology base new modern industrial system. With the development…

Framework of D20 EME Let industrial production realize the automatic mode

【 Key words 】 Automatic instrument; Automatic control technology; The status quo; development With the development of economy, the whole society has begun to step into the information age, have begun to develop in the direction of intelligence and networking, industrial production automation instrumentation and automation control technology has also been a significant development, its…

D20 EME 10BASE-T The market size of 20 billion is changing, who can break the ceiling of Chinese machine vision first?

Since 2023, the popularity of generative AI has pushed artificial intelligence into the “tuyere”, and everyone has locked their development eyes on this field of industry. As one of the important technical means of data collection, machine vision is a branch of artificial intelligence which is developing rapidly. Through the use of optical non-contact induction…