DNC115 Application practice of industrial robots based on intelligent manufacturing

03 Application practice of industrial robots based on intelligent manufacturing 3.1 Planning principles for intelligent application of enterprise devices DNC115 The fundamental purpose of enterprise development is to make profits, and intelligent manufacturing is the way for enterprises to achieve profits in the new era of development. The basic situation and development goals of each…

T200-410-J-0AA1 Application trend and practice of industrial robot

introduction T200-410-J-0AA1 The widespread application of industrial robots has promoted the rapid development of the manufacturing industry, but as the manufacturing industry moves toward intelligent manufacturing, the traditional application of industrial robots has been unable to meet the core requirements of self-sensing, flexibility, high speed and customization of intelligent manufacturing. Based on the demand model…

G122-829-001  Integration accelerates industrial development

Integration accelerates industrial development G122-829-001  The reporter learned from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology that China’s 5G base stations have reached 3.189 million, the industrial Internet industry scale has exceeded 1.2 trillion yuan, and there are more than 8,000 “5G+ industrial Internet” projects, which have covered all industrial categories. With low delay, high…

3IF661.9  Inject strong impetus into reform and innovation

Inject strong impetus into reform and innovation Information and communication technology is the biggest technological variable in the new industrial revolution. With each iteration and upgrade of information and communication technology, the supporting role of industrialization has also jumped up the ladder. 3IF661.9   “In the past, ICT was only used to locally optimize industrial efficiency. By…

DSB2P152-111E-000H Speed up the new industrialization | Accelerate the deep integration of data and reality to support the new industrialization

With the advent of the digital age, the information and communication technology (ICT) industry has become one of the most dynamic and potential industries on a global scale. ICT is a high-tech field with the fastest development speed, the most extensive coverage, the strongest penetration and the most widely used in the world today, and…

EDP300 A1H1S2A A1R3 National Bureau of Statistics: From January to November, industrial enterprise profits accelerated recovery

EDP300 A1H1S2A A1R3 On December 27, the National Bureau of Statistics released the profit data of industrial enterprises above designated size in 2023 from January to November. Yu Weining, statistigrapher of the Industrial Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that the profits of industrial enterprises in January to November accelerated the recovery. In…

LS2000 Wuhan released the first ten industrial metauniverse application scenarios

Recently, Wuhan Economic and Information Bureau released the list of ten outstanding application scenarios of Wuhan Industrial metauniverse in 2023. This is the first time that Wuhan has collected and released application scenarios in this field. LS2000 The top ten scenarios involve high-end equipment manufacturing, medical health, industrial product design simulation, industrial simulation training, fashion…

CC-U/STD The next decade is an important window

The next decade is an important window Although there are still many problems in the development, the surveyed enterprises and experts all agree that the next decade will be a “golden decade” for the development of domestic industrial software. “It is expected that China’s industrial simulation software market, its growth rate can be more than…

98008RFRSA10P1 First of all, it is difficult to train industrial software talents.

First of all, it is difficult to train industrial software talents. 98008RFRSA10P1 “Most of China’s colleges and universities have not set up industrial software related majors, lack mature compound talent training programs and curriculum configuration, and interdisciplinary training system has not been established.” In addition, due to the lack of long-term reciprocity mechanism for school-enterprise…