EMERSON PR6423010-140+CON021 first line of research to improve the quality and efficiency of the opening, cooperation to reach a new high – tech manufacturing

The steady development of high-tech manufacturing, an important driving force of the industrial economy, has expanded the space for industrial growth and boosted confidence in warding off risks, according to the Voice of China News and Newspaper Summary of the China Media Group. In recent days, the reporter went to many places to investigate and…

DSQC679 3HAC028357-001 Flexible manufacturing will become the dominant mode of intelligent factory

Flexible manufacturing will become the dominant mode of intelligent factory At present, the consumption mode is gradually changing from standardization and monotonous unification to customization and personality differences. For example, the garment industry actively implements online customization of various garments, the furniture industry vigorously promotes customer customization of the whole house household, the automobile industry…

3500/64M 140734-05 Smart factory has become the main battlefield of digital transformation of manufacturing industry

According to the outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan, we will further implement intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing projects, develop a new model of service-oriented manufacturing, and promote high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing. As 5G and other new generation of information technology continue to deeply integrate with the manufacturing industry, the intelligent development of the…

3500/22M 138607-01 What are the application scenarios of AI algorithms in manufacturing?

With the development of science and technology, artificial intelligence technology is gradually applied to various fields, including manufacturing industry. The application of artificial intelligence algorithms in manufacturing can not only improve production efficiency and reduce production costs, but also improve product quality and production safety. This paper will introduce several typical application scenarios of artificial…

106M1081-01 Intelligent manufacturing as the main direction to promote the construction of manufacturing power

There are still many outstanding problems in the promotion of intelligent manufacturing, which seriously restricts the development of intelligent manufacturing. In 2022, the Association of Intelligent Manufacturing of the China Association for Science and Technology launched a collection of “Ten Issues restricting the development of intelligent manufacturing in China”, and selected issues related to 5G…

BENTLY 60M100-00 Establish a standard system for intelligent manufacturing of the whole chain

4.1 Lead the transformation with high standards (1) Establish the whole chain intelligent manufacturing standard system We will promote the establishment and improvement of a full-chain intelligent manufacturing standard system in the fields of aerospace, petrochemical, energy, electronics, equipment, automobiles, shipping, rail transit, medicine, and metallurgical materials, which is in line with the characteristics of…

PP846 3BSE042238R1 The methods, paths and measures to promote digital transformation of enterprises by intelligent manufacturing

At present, digital economy has become the main driving force for global economic development. Cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other new generation of information technologies stimulate innovation potential through data elements, accelerate the transformation of industrial operation system in the era of industrial economy, accelerate the transformation of resources…

PP825A 3BSE042240R3 CAE valuation comparable to semiconductor EDA! Industrial R & D design software on AI tuyere

According to recent media reports, Siemens and Microsoft are working together to leverage generative AI in the design, engineering, manufacturing and operational life cycles of industrial products to increase innovation and efficiency. Siemens worked with Microsoft to use ChatGPT to improve its industrial control workflow, said Zhang Xu, an analyst at Guolian Securities. ChatGPT will…

PFEA112-20 Measurement uncertainty of intelligent manufacturing large measuring equipment

Domestic offline programming simulation software has some shortcomings in the convenience of some human-computer interaction functions, the compatibility of special processes, the support of mass equipment and the real-time rendering of large-scale models. The gap between domestic and foreign software is reflected in the following aspects. 1) Complex welding trajectory planning. The proFIT software launched…