IS200TBCIH1BBC From zero to world leader! Domestic “Big MAC”, accounting for nearly 70% of the global market share!

High-end equipment manufacturing industry is an important part of strategic emerging industries, providing solid support for the construction of a modern industrial system. The transformation from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power is inseparable from the upgrade of high-end equipment. How can we further improve the level of independence of the industrial chain and…

IS200TPROH1BBB Sichuan industrial carbon peak implementation plan released

Recently, the “Sichuan Province Industrial Carbon peak Implementation Plan” (hereinafter referred to as the “implementation Plan”) was officially issued and implemented. The “Implementation plan” proposes that the eight key industries of iron and steel, building materials, chemicals, non-ferrous metals, paper making, textiles, electronics, and equipment manufacturing will implement carbon peaking actions in key industries, accelerate…

8BVI0220HCS0000-1 Differential polyester filament Efficient large-scale intelligent manufacturing plant

09Differential polyester filament Efficient large-scale intelligent manufacturing plant Key words: intelligent manufacturing; Industrial Internet platform; 5G technology; Factory of the future The chemical fiber industry is an important pillar industry of China’s textile industry, which is facing the risk and pressure of fierce competition in leading position and continuous industry migration. New Fengming Group Co.,…

NDPI-02 Ion beam equipment and process solutions Substitution by localization

Ion beam equipment and process solutions Substitution by localization Key words: ion beam equipment; Ultra-precision micro and nano machining; Domestic substitution Shortlisted reasons: Foshan Boton Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. from the source to break through the core technology and key processes, to achieve high-performance ion source and ion beam equipment localization, process application function performance…

XVB603 6U-VME-SBC”2023 China Intelligent manufacturing ten scientific and technological progress” finalist project announcement

Robot technology and system for precise manipulation of living cells Key words: robot technology; Micromanipulation; Cell manipulation; Animal cloning Live cell manipulation is of great significance to the development of biomedicine and the solution of key core problems in agricultural breeding, and the demand is growing rapidly. Facing the urgent needs of the development of…

1TGE106110D4016 ABB has partnered with the U.S. Department of Energy to advance methane emissions monitoring technology

ABB has partnered with the U.S. Department of Energy to design an integrated methane Monitoring platform that will serve as a database that will aggregate, analyze and visualize data from multiple U.S. emissions sources for the first time. The $1 million project will continuously monitor, map, locate and quantify methane emissions throughout the U.S. natural…

PVG32-1 Completed 15.5 billion won Series B financing, led by Junlian Capital

October 27 news, South Korean artificial intelligence quality management solution provider SaigeResearch intelligent technology (SaigeResearch) completed 15.5 billion won (about $11.54 million) B round of financing, led by Junlian Capital. This round of financing aims to improve AI technology and develop domestic and foreign customers in various fields. Founded in 2017, Saige Research draws on…

PXIE-8285 Thyssenkrupp Global CEO: Local innovation is the cornerstone of regional business sustainability

Innovation is essential for the sustainable development of enterprises. During his visit to China two weeks ago, Miguel Lopez, global CEO of ThyssenKrupp, in addition to attending the 35th Shanghai Mayor’s International Entrepreneur Advisory Conference (IBLAC), he also visited the Chinese headquarters of ThyssenKrupp’s Steering Business unit. In the communication with the Chinese team, Mr.…