9200-01-02-10-00 Personnel safety in industrial sites: people-oriented, build a wall of safety

In the industrial sector, the normal operation of equipment and the safety of personnel are key to production efficiency and sustainable development. This paper will deeply discuss the problem of personnel safety in industrial sites, from the two levels of human error and mechanical failure, put forward the corresponding solution measures and future technical trends.…

330730-040-01-00 Switzerland’s leading manufacturer of electric motors

330730-040-01-00 Overview: The Swiss electromechanical metal industry used to be an important part of the Swiss industry, among which the output of textile machinery, printing equipment, packaging machinery, precision tools, turbines and other products ranked in the forefront of the world. Electromechanical metals is Switzerland’s largest industrial sector, accounting for about 9% of GDP, and…

51401635-150 Leading Swedish motor manufacturer

Overview: Sweden is a developed country in Europe. Sweden has its own aviation industry, nuclear industry, automobile manufacturing, advanced military industry, as well as world-leading telecommunications and medical research capabilities. Sweden is also a world leader in software development, microelectronics, telecommunications and photonics. Sweden is also Europe’s largest exporter of iron ore. Sweden has more…

IC200ALG262J Major American motor manufacturer

Summary: The United States is the most technologically advanced country in the world. The motor was developed later in the United States than in Japan. In the United States, the design of induction motors and the development of their control strategies are more mature, such as electric vehicle drive motors are mainly based on induction…

A06B-6058-H223 Overview: Japan is the world leader in state-of-the-art motor manufacturing technology.

Overview: Japan is the world leader in state-of-the-art motor manufacturing technology. Japan has always been a robot power, so Japan’s servo motor industry is also the world’s top. According to the research institute’s previous global market survey report, the market share of Japanese companies is 50%, and occupy half of the entire robot motor industry.…

140CRA31908 More efforts to “new quality productivity”

More efforts to “new quality productivity” In the government work report of the big industrial province, “new quality productivity” has become a hot keyword. The government work report of many provinces proposed that in 2024, it will anchor the cultivation of emerging industries and future industries, focus on scientific and technological innovation to lead economic…

DS200FCSAG1A The industrial province will accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing and new quality productivity in 2024

Recently, the provincial two sessions were held intensively, and all over the country released the 2023 “report card” and finalized the 2024 “task book”, releasing a positive signal of striving for stable economic growth and accelerating high-quality development. Looking forward to 2024, more and more economically large provinces will promote a new round of construction…

BMXNOC0401 Caixin China manufacturing PMI for 3 consecutive months in the expansion range of the economic upward trend further consolidated

At the beginning of the year, the supply and demand of China’s manufacturing industry continued to expand, and the prosperity was good. The Caixin China Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for January, released on February 1, was 50.8, unchanged from December 2023, and above the line of expansion and contraction for three consecutive months. Expert…