IS220PDIOH1B Incoming energy storage opens up new space

Incoming energy storage opens up new space In Hu Shunquan’s view, it is of great significance to carry out research on UHV transmission technology to promote and safeguard the sustainable development of China’s power industry and energy industry. “SVG equipment has evolved from large volume to small volume in structure, better working performance, and further…

CC-PCNT02 The frequency converter is developing in the direction of customization and intelligence

The frequency converter is developing in the direction of customization and intelligence In the context of the “double carbon” goal, the frequency converter, known as the “industrial vitamin”, has gradually become a “sharp edge” of energy conservation and emission reduction. In recent years, with the increase in the demand for energy conservation and environmental protection…

FC-RUSIO-3224 The total installed capacity of renewable energy has surpassed that of thermal power

The rapid development of the renewable energy market represented by wind power and photovoltaic has ushered in a golden development period for the SVG and inverter industries. FC-RUSIO-3224 In recent years, under the background of “double carbon”, the accelerated development of renewable energy in China has become an important force to ensure the supply of…

X-SB01 985210207 Stabilize the proportion of manufacturing industry and play an exemplary and leading role

Stabilize the proportion of manufacturing industry and play an exemplary and leading role X-SB01 985210207 The thermoplastic polyurethane unit of the BASF (Guangdong) integrated base project in Donghai Island, Zhanjiang was recently completed and put into operation, marking the completion of the first batch of units. After nearly 140 years in China, the German chemical…

PSMU-350-3 Big industrial province sun annual report card, what spark has China’s intelligent manufacturing rubbed out?

Recently, the provincial and local two sessions were held intensively, and the industrial provinces have “exposed” the annual report card: Guangdong insists on the manufacturing industry, the industrial added value exceeded 4 trillion yuan, and industrial investment maintained double-digit growth for 36 consecutive months; Jiangsu continued to expand the advanced manufacturing cluster, the planned industrial…

95DSS2-1 Optimize factory robots to ensure operator safety

Optimize factory robots to ensure operator safety By definition, cobots need to work with humans. They can be installed without the use of safety cages, which both reduces installation costs and reduces the footprint of the factory or warehouse. However, this structure requires additional safety features to ensure operator safety. 95DSS2-1 Advances in torque sensors…