PSMU-350-3 Big industrial province sun annual report card, what spark has China’s intelligent manufacturing rubbed out?

Recently, the provincial and local two sessions were held intensively, and the industrial provinces have “exposed” the annual report card: Guangdong insists on the manufacturing industry, the industrial added value exceeded 4 trillion yuan, and industrial investment maintained double-digit growth for 36 consecutive months; Jiangsu continued to expand the advanced manufacturing cluster, the planned industrial…

95DSS2-1 Optimize factory robots to ensure operator safety

Optimize factory robots to ensure operator safety By definition, cobots need to work with humans. They can be installed without the use of safety cages, which both reduces installation costs and reduces the footprint of the factory or warehouse. However, this structure requires additional safety features to ensure operator safety. 95DSS2-1 Advances in torque sensors…

IC693MDL632 Empower businesses to help digital transformation

IC693MDL632 Empower businesses to help digital transformation When it comes to the benefits of low code for enterprises’ digital transformation, cost reduction and efficiency have become the keywords most mentioned by Chinese respondents. The top three benefits are helping organizations develop faster (48 percent), respond more flexibly to business needs (46 percent), and reduce software…

DSTC150 57510001-P The integration application has shown initial results, and the industrial support needs to be improved

The integration application has shown initial results, and the industrial support needs to be improved At present, various kinds of integration applications have shown initial results, but the problem of in-depth promotion remains. DSTC150 57510001-P “5G is mainly a technology for industry scenarios, and 70%-80% will be applied in the field of vehicle networking and…

DSAV110 57350001-E 5G+ industrial Internet application scenarios continue to expand

DSAV110 57350001-E Through the cloud Internet connection of industrial equipment to achieve intelligent collaboration of the industrial chain, the industrial Internet has become a key force for the digital transformation of industrial enterprises. With the advantages of 5G network, such as large broadband and low latency, to ensure the high-speed transmission of massive data, the…