AO2040 Accelerating the digital transformation of manufacturing, What can China learn from the world?

As a new economic format, digital economy has been widely recognized and has appeared in the national top-level strategy design of many countries. From 5G, artificial intelligence to industrial software, intelligent manufacturing, from digital factories, black light factories to future factories, smart factories, countries have carried out top-level design and strategic layout of manufacturing digitalization,…

783816-01 what challenges have different Chinese enterprises encountered in digital transformation?

China News Service: In the global competitive environment, what challenges have different Chinese enterprises encountered in digital transformation? 783816-01 Liu Junmei: In the digital transformation, different enterprises in China face different challenges: large enterprises are more inclined to do standardized products, personalized products are more suitable for small enterprises and small teams to implement. The…

GV6K-U6E Analysis: The basic composition and function of industrial computer

In industrial application scenarios, industrial computer is one of the essential industrial hardware, designed for industrial sites. The industrial site operation environment is harsh, and the requirements for industrial computer are higher, industrial computer needs to have strong anti-interference, anti-vibration, long-term stable operation and other characteristics to meet the application in the industrial site environment.…

SST-PB3-PCU  These difficulties are the focus of the Guide.

Standard meaning These difficulties are the focus of the Guide. The standard system will be divided into organization greenhouse gas emission accounting, project greenhouse gas emission reduction accounting, product carbon footprint accounting, etc., according to the different accounting objects and accounting boundaries. SST-PB3-PCU The GHG emission accounting standards of organizations mainly include the GHG emission…

MC-4/11/05/230 Standard design: China’s “zero-carbon” industry has a timeline

Low carbon emission reduction, standards first. The standard is the technical basis for achieving carbon peak carbon neutrality, so the construction of the “double carbon” standard system is highly valued by the top-level design. China has issued national standards for greenhouse gas emissions accounting in a number of key industries and project emission reduction assessment…

3HAC026272-001 DSQC647 promote the development of industrial clusters and build a new ecology for the development of the robot industry.

The third is to vigorously promote the development of industrial clusters and build a new ecology for the development of the robot industry. Give full play to the leading role of backbone enterprises, rely on the 3HAC026272-001 DSQC647 construction of key project industrial bases, combine the industrial chain layout with industrial agglomeration, promote the backbone…

3HAC026272-001 DSQC647 Industrial base reinforcement board emerging field forging board

Industrial base reinforcement board emerging field forging board 3HAC026272-001 DSQC647 The “Report” believes that China’s construction of a modern industrial system, to achieve from a robot power to a robot power, it is necessary to comply with the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change trends, fully implement the “14th Five-Year Plan”…

8141649.53 Build a modern industrial system to realize the transformation from a robot power to a robot power

As a carrier of emerging technologies and an important enabling equipment for industrial transformation and upgrading, robots are an important symbol of national scientific and technological strength and high-end manufacturing industry, and also a key support for the modernization of the industrial system. 8141649.53 The “China Industrial Development Report (2023)” (hereinafter referred to as the…

ACC-5595-208 The competitiveness of domestic machine tools is enhanced, and the overseas market is expanding smoothly

The competitiveness of domestic machine tools is enhanced, and the overseas market is expanding smoothly ACC-5595-208 Machine tool exports in the first half of 2023 were outstanding. According to China Customs data, from January to September 2023, the total import and export volume of machine tool goods was 23.99 billion US dollars, down 4.0% year-on-year.…