PCIE-6321 The Tsinghua team has made new progress in the research field of sensing and computing integrated all-optical machine vision

With the widespread deployment of sensing and computing modules in edge infrastructure, high-speed perception, computation, and reconstruction of natural scenes are critical. Most of the existing end-to-side visual intelligence is a sense separation paradigm, that is, the sensor senses and collects the optical signal, converts it into an electrical signal, and then computs the intelligent…

1746-NO8I Hikvision will debut at the 2024 Intelligent Industrial control and storage Industry Summit Forum

On June 19, 2024, the 2024 Intelligent Industrial Control and Storage Industry Summit Forum jointly organized by South China International Industry Expo and Shenzhen Memory Industry Association will be held in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center (Bao ‘an New Hall). With the theme of “Intelligent industrial control, Storage Strong foundation”, the summit aims to…

RED670 Hengyan joined hands with Hazrou Innovation to help Shundian build ACR smart warehouse

Recently, the main high-end electrical appliances retail enterprise Shundian, with Hengyan, Hazrou innovation cooperation to create online, offline integration of retail ACR smart warehouse, with intelligent and efficient logistics warehouse, integration of e-commerce, stores and other omni-channel business, together for the national consumers to provide better quality and reliable shopping experience. The exploration of omnichannel…

79492-01 IAR accelerates code quality automation with multi-architecture certified static analysis tools

IAR, a leading global provider of software solutions for Embedded system development, is proud to announce the availability of TUV SUD certified C-STAT static analysis tools for the newly released IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V V3.30.2 functional Safety release. The TUV SUD-certified C-STAT static analysis tool is fully integrated in various functional safety versions of…

The world’s first large-scale APL project for process industry master devices has been successfully applied

Recently, the APL technology overall solution has been successfully applied in Jiangxi Tianxin Pharmaceutical Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “Tianxin Pharmaceutical”) 09, 10 workshop automation upgrade project, and successfully produced products that meet quality standards, which is the first time the pharmaceutical industry introduced Ethernet-APL technology, This marks the success of the world’s first…

CI854AK01 Developed specifically for demanding arc welding applications

Developed specifically for demanding arc welding applications ▼ 2. 3D visual perception technology The intelligent mobile welding robot uses 3D visual perception technology to accurately identify the welding path and workpiece position. Combined with the leading welding process software package, the robot independently plans the action trajectory and automatically generates welding procedures, which solves the…

TVME200-10 When called upon, it can “weld”! Siasun works with users to create intelligent mobile welding robots

Welding process is also known as the basic process of the manufacturing industry, and spraying, grinding, handling together known as the four core application processes of robots, in recent years, the penetration rate of robot automatic welding has steadily increased, and the application is more and more extensive. However, in the field of mechanical manufacturing,…

S-113N 3BHB018008R0001 Vchuang Electric smart manufacturing plant and digital transformation project successfully capped

On June 15, 2024, Weichuang Electric intelligent manufacturing plant and digital transformation project ushered in important progress, the main structure was successfully completed, and it took another step toward completion and commissioning. After completion, it will further promote the company’s transformation to digital and intelligent, and expand space for future development. S-113N 3BHB018008R0001 Smart manufacturing…

AI895 The China University of Science and Technology Humanoid Robot Research Institute was inaugurated, and the Yangtze River Delta Humanoid Robot Alliance was established

On the morning of June 18, the artificial intelligence and humanoid robot Frontier Forum was held in the High-tech Park of the University of Science and Technology of China. The reporter was informed on the scene that the College of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science of the University of Science and Technology of China and…