PR937620 Robot exports exceed imports

Robot exports exceed imports After the rapid development in recent years, whether it is product technology or landing application, China’s industrial robot industry has achieved a substantial catch up, and going to sea is the inevitable way for enterprises to expand a larger market. PR937620 IFR data show that in 2023, China’s industrial robot exports…

T9451 The annual output exceeded 400,000 units

The annual output exceeded 400,000 units Before 2016, China’s industrial robot local enterprises research and development ability is weak, technical strength and overseas leading there is a big gap, in order to cultivate the market, the overall policy orientation is to market for technology, encourage the introduction of overseas robot enterprises investment, while promoting the…

T9432 The localization rate exceeded 50% for the first time, and the import and export situation of industrial robots was reversed

As a manufacturing country, China’s demand for industrial robots is very strong. Since 2013, China’s industrial robot market sales have ranked first in the world for 11 consecutive years, and currently account for more than half of global sales. From basic research to industrialization, the scale of China’s industrial robot industry is growing, and the…

EPSCPE100-ABAC Sample of electrical control cabinet produced by Wankong Group

Sample of electrical control cabinet produced by Wankong Group However, a seemingly “simple” electrical control cabinet, the production process is not simple. Huang Shuai told the “China Electronics News” reporter: “Non-standard customization is one of the core characteristics of the electrical high and low voltage complete sets of products industry, to meet the power needs…