IC660BBA025K From industrial manufacturing to service industry application scenarios, which door will the humanoid robot open first

With the continuous progress of technology, the industrialization of humanoid robots has also begun to accelerate. IC660BBA025K Recently, the General Office of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government issued the “Action Plan of Shanghai to Promote the Industrial Upgrading of Industrial Services (2024-2027)”, proposing to promote the deep integration of artificial intelligence and manufacturing, create a…

PPC-R02.2N-N-N1-V2-NN-FW National and local humanoid robot Innovation Center Open source universal humanoid robot public version machine “Qinglong”

National and local humanoid robot Innovation Center Open source universal humanoid robot public version machine “Qinglong” In May this year, the National Innovation Center was inaugurated in Shanghai. In June, the center set up the humanoid robot industry fund, which is expected to total more than 10 billion yuan, and is building a training ground…

IC200ALG630 Application scenario logic: Try structured scenarios first, accumulate data and then intelligently improve

Application scenario logic: Try structured scenarios first, accumulate data and then intelligently improve A number of humanoid robot companies have told surging news reporters that the target scenes of humanoid robots will mainly focus on high-risk high-intensity scenes such as industrial special industries, commercial scenes and nursing scenes such as pension and childcare. IC200ALG630 Chen…

VI451-10 One year later, the status and prospect of industrial large model landing

Since 2023, large models have gradually gone deep into all walks of life, in order to track the application progress of large models in the industrial field, International Data Corporation (IDC) recently released the “Industrial large model Application Progress and Prospects, 2024” (Doc#CHC50964924, June 2024) report. The implementation progress and main application scenarios of the…

PW441-10 Analysis of Industrial control market trends: Future prospects driven by technological innovation

Since entering the 21st century, the fourth industrial revolution, represented by artificial intelligence, robotics, and quantum information technology, is accelerating the integration and innovation of mechanical and electronic systems, leading industrial automation to a new height. PW441-10  Statista data show that the global industrial control and automation market size reached 234.3 billion US dollars in…