Essential details:E8403A C-size VXlmainframes
The Agilent Technologies E8400 Series of13-slot, C-size VXlmainframes provides a wide range of mainframe solutionsto meet all your test svstem needs. They deliver innovativecooling technology, improved backplane design, highreliability,easy maintenance, and versatile accessories. Theinnovative air distribution system used in all threemainframes provides extremely quiet and efficient cooling.
The power supply in the E840lA VXI mainframe provides500 watts ofusable power, sufficient for most automatedtest applications. The power supply in the E8403A andE8404A VXI mainframes provides 1000 watts of usablepower,sufficient for the most demanding automated testapplications.Ample dynamic and peak current capabilityis provided for most applications.
The basie mainframe monitoring of the E840lA andE8403A indicates normal operating conditions at a glance.The enhaneed monitoring of the E8404A mainframeprovides superior cooling control and details regardingtemperatures throughout the mainframe, power supplyvoltages and currents, fans operation, svstem status.history queue, and stripcharts or histograms for easydiagnostics. This information is available on the full colordisplay or through VXlbus or RS-232 connection. A frontpanel diagnosties connector on all three mainframesallows continuous local or remote system monitoring.
These mainframes comply with the VXI Specification byproviding injector surface rails used by the QUlC easymodule insertion and extraction system. Superior cooling.reliable design and system monitoring make any of thesemainframes an exeellent choice for all VXI test systemapplications.
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E8403A C-size VXlmainframes
Airflow is conveniently routed into the rear and exhaustedout the sides of the mainframe. This allows mainframes tobe stacked or rack-mounted directly on top of one another
Improved, Highly Reliable Backplane Design
The backplane of all three mainframes features solid stateautomatie daisy-chain jumpering for the VMEbus grant andinterrupt acknowledge lines, eliminating the need for handselection of switch settings. Full differential distribution ofthe CLKl0 signal is provided on the backplane. Thisminimizes jitter and skew, providing a clean timing sourcefor VXI instrument modules. The surface mount backplaneimproves both reliability and stripline signal performance.
Agilent generates SYSRESET and ACFAlL on the backplane.This is necessary for full compliance with the VXlSpecification, but is not generally implemented by othermanufacturers.
Easy Maintenance Rear-Accessible Power Supply andImpeller
Convenient access to the power supply and coolingsystems of all three mainframes, and the monitoringsystem of the E8404A, is provided through the mainframe’srear panel.A replacement power supply or fan can beinstalled without removing the mainframe from a rack. Thepower supply’s plug-in design makes repair easy.
The E8404A monitor control board and the impeller formodule cooling are easily replaced. The internal fan for thepower supply, an integral part of the supply, is easilyreplaced with the power supply itself. If the optional AirFilter Accessory Kit is installed, air flters may be replacedwithout tools.