
HYDRAN 201CI-C continuous on-lineIntelligent Transmitter

HYDRAN 201CI-C continuous on-lineIntelligent Transmitter

The HYDRAN° 201Ti continuous on-lineIntelligent Transmitter is a small, cylindrical,thermally controlled enclosure installed on avalve of the transformer to be monitored. It con-tains the HYDRAN sensor with its microproces-sor based electronics. It is used in conjunctionwith the H201C-l,H201Ci4 or the H201CiCcontrollers. It is housed in a NEMA 4X instru-ment enclosure.
HYDRAN products meet the intent ofDirective 89/336/EEC for ElectromagneticCompatibility

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Essential details:HYDRAN 201CI-C continuous on-lineIntelligent Transmitter

Product Description

The HYDRAN° 201Ti continuous on-lineIntelligent Transmitter is a small, cylindrical,thermally controlled enclosure installed on avalve of the transformer to be monitored. It con-tains the HYDRAN sensor with its microproces-sor based electronics. It is used in conjunctionwith the H201C-l,H201Ci4 or the H201CiCcontrollers. It is housed in a NEMA 4X instru-ment enclosure.
HYDRAN products meet the intent ofDirective 89/336/EEC for ElectromagneticCompatibility
EN 50082-1 Immunity:IEC 801-3 RF Radiated
IEC 801-4 Fast Transients

Gas level, hourly and daily trends (adjustable);gas level, gas trends and fail alarms; historylogging; periodic sensor test; calibration,configuration and self-test; networking:modem control; remote software upgrading
One port, user selectable as local RS-232(DB-9) or isolated supervisory link
DisplayBacklit LCD, 2 lines by 16 characters
Keypad6 keys (Enter, Up, Down, Change, Escape, End)Alarm Contacts
Gas Hi, Gas Hi-Hi, Fail SPDT (type C), 60 w125 VA, 220 Vdc, 250 Vac
Standard Local Analog Output0-l mA non-isolated output, 2 V max. output.0-2000 ppm range
Output OptionAvailable as 4-20 mA isolated output, 1500 VRMS; 10 V max. output, 0-2000 ppm (must bespecified at ordering time, no retrofit)


lf you need to inquire or purchase ,please send the product models to my email or call medirectly .

sunny  He


[Mobile] 86-18059884797

[WhatsApp] 86-18059884797


HYDRAN 201CI-C continuous on-lineIntelligent Transmitter

Standard Analog OutputNon-isolated, jumper-configurable as 0-1 mAor 4-20 mA (10 V max. output), 0-l V or0-10 V; 0-2000 ppm scale
2nd Optional Analog OutputIsolated, jumper-configurable as 0-l mA4-20 mA, 0-1 V or 0-10 V; 1500 V RMSisolation level; 0-2000 ppm scale
Gas Hi and Hi-Hi Alarms
Duplicate alarms in the H201Ti for Level.Hourly Gas Trend and Daily Gas Trend
Fail Alarm
Duplicates alarm in the H201Ti for powerfailure, loss of communications, sensor orother system malfunctions; upon systemfault, display is blanked and analog outputs
are set to zero
Alarm ContactsGas Hi, Gas Hi-Hi, Fail SPDT (type C), 125 VA@ 250 Vac, 60 w @ 220 Vdc
Gas Alarm IndicatorsHi and Hi-Hi illuminated pushbuttons mountedon door; latched on when alarm is triggered.turned off by pressing button as alarm is cleared

RS-232 Local PortStandard RS-232 port (DB-9) allows serialcommunications with a local computer(or remote computer with optional smartmodem); any H201Ti can be accessedthrough any H201Ci Controller
Supervisory Link Power SupplyA separate isolated dc power supply provides+l5 V (impedance protected) for the opto-isolated supervisory link
RecommendationRun all communication cables in flexibleor rigid metallic conduits for maximummechanical and electrical protection